U.S. Secretary Of Defense Ash Carter Admits Using A Personal Email Account For Work

ABC News: Defense Secretary Ash Carter: It Was a 'Mistake' to Use Personal Email for Work

Defense Secretary Ash Carter has come under fire for using a personal email account for official purposes and acknowledged that he made “a mistake."

Carter said he used his iPhone to send “administrative messages, no classified information” for some months even after Hillary Clinton became embroiled in her own personal email controversy. A spokesman for Carter said the defense secretary has not only stopped using his private email for work, but has also limited his use of email.

Carter became Defense Secretary on Feb. 17, two weeks after Clinton’s use of a personal email and server for official work at the State Department became public.

WNU Editor: Nothing serious is going to happen to him .... unlike what happened to former CIA Director Petraeus. My prediction .... a US Senate investigation, a reprimand and an promise to not do it again. But if the investigation finds deliberate wrongdoing .... for anyone else it would mean jail-time.

More News On U.S. Secretary Of Defense Ash Carter Admitting That He Used A Personal Email Account For Work

Pentagon chief: ‘I should have known better’ on email use -- Washington Post/AP
Sec. Carter admits use of personal email account 'a mistake' -- The Hill
Pentagon Confirms Carter's Personal Email Use a 'Mistake' -- Defense News
Ashton Carter: Using personal email account for work was mistake -- Washington Times
Defense Secretary Ash Carter Used Personal Email for Work: Pentagon -- NBC
McCain launches review of Pentagon chief’s personal email account -- The Hill
Pentagon chief’s use of personal email will prompt Senate review -- Washington Post
Senate panel wants Defense chief's email -- USA Today
Ash Carter's Use of a Personal Email Account -- Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic

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