Spain Sindicato Asambleario de Sanidad SAS - The / computer / as SERMAS go on strike.

(en) Sindicato Asambleario de Sanidad SAS - The / computer /
as SERMAS go on strike. (ca) [machine translation]

Since the SAS-Union Health asambleario from these lines we want to support and spread the 
call for strike / computer / os time the Madrid Health Service during the month of 
December, the coming days 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 , 15, 16 and 17 December. ---- This strike has 
been called by APISCAM (Association of Computer Professionals Health of the Community of 
Madrid), to require the Community of Madrid a solution to the problem posed by the calls 
of their jobs in the Public Employment Offer 2015 without the opportunity to use their 
experience and seniority of such manea who will be faced with redundancy almost entirely 
despite carrying out their work mostly for more than 15 years values. ---- Once again the 
Ministry of Health does not consider their workers / is because they do not use the / the 
computer / os are temporary impact on the health care provided by the SERMAS.

Although the problem originated with the previous government in office, the current 
Minister of Health has kept the contempt in deciding not to back down, despite the fact 
that HR managers have recognized the flaws and terrible consequences and several previous 
claims APISCAM . Therefore, from APISCAM they have asked the President of the Community of 
Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, to immediately intervene and order suspension of calls for 
computing the PEO 2015 or its revision.

Just over 20% of the / the computer / as health centers SERMAS has fixed specific 
categories of computer plaza, because they never have called specific competitions 
computing SERMAS for breach of the government's own Community Madrid current regulations 
on public procurement and also regularize jobs still pending computer almost half of the 

Therefore this group has claimed what has already been done in other communities (such as 
the last case of Aragon): integration of all staff on the payroll of the specific 
categories of information and opportunity through open competition stabilization yes have 
into account the age of many years expert staff will also be beneficial to the health 
organization to exploit its extensive experience.
SAS-Union Health asambleario
Facebook: asambleario Union of Health
TFO .: 91.390.99.90

Who we are?

SAS (Union asambleario of Health) is a union of anarcho-syndicalist ideology, which takes 
decisions in assemblies and its scope is the health of the Community of Madrid.

In 2004, together with CNT (National Confederation of Labour), the Trade Union Platform 
EMT and Solidaridad Obrera, we created CAS Madrid (Coordinadora Anti-privatization of 
Health). . Which today has become a reference in the Spanish state in the fight against 
the privatization of Public Health Our main priorities are:

The fight against the privatization of public health, the recovery of the already 
privatized and the repeal of laws allowing privatization of Public Health (Law 15/97, of 
New Forms of Management and regional laws that develop).
The defense of the rights and working conditions of workers in the Madrid health.
The privatization policy of the Madrid Public Health, is assuming a clear deterioration of 
the rights and working conditions of their workers. This transfer of public funds to 
private companies, is also assuming an obvious deterioration in the quality of care SERMAS.

Given all this, the only solution is the unity of workers in assemblies, electing 
delegates revocable at any time, leaving aside sectoral tables and / or staff meetings. 
Only together we can cope with the continuous aggressions that we suffer in our rights and 
working conditions, since individual solutions do not exist. And we do all this without 
subsidies and without released institutional, using all means and rights to obtain in . 
union to the service of the struggle against the privatization of the public health and 
defense of the rights and working conditions of its workers elections . Health Madrid fall 
2011. "We carry a new world in our hearts, and that world is growing this minute " Durruti 

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