Singular, Dual, and Plural

A very unique feature of the Arabic language is that its nouns, adjectives and verbs have three types (levels) of numeral expressions. 

1- singular      2- dual    3- plural

* In Noun

Example words:
1- كِتَاب      a book   (kitab)      
 2- كِتَابَيْن or كِتَابَان (ketaban - ketabayn)  two books   
3- كُتُب  more than two books  (kotob)

1- بَيْت   a house   (bayt)     
 2- بَيْتَيْن  or بَيْتَان   ( baytan - baytayn)  two houses
3- بُيُوت   houses    (boyout)

Did you notice that we added ان or ين  to the singular to form dual nouns ......?....I am sure you did.
we will explain in the upcoming posts the difference between those two types of dual nouns....but for now let's take it as a rule :
*** To form a dual noun you will add either ان or ين  ***

1-I see the book.
أنَا أرَى الكِتَاب.
Ana- ara- lkitab  

2- I see the two books.
أنَا أرَى الكِتَابَيْن.
Ana - ara- alkitabayn.

3- I see the three books.
أنَا أرَى الكُتُب. 

**In Adjective

Adjective definition: " adjective in Arabic is called 'صفة - sefah'. it is one variety of a noun or one word to describe a noun"
Singular Example :
The ripe apple is delicious. 
التُّفَّاحَةُ النَّاضِجَةُ لَذِيذَة .
Attou-ffahato- annadi-jato- lazeezah.

Note: the adjective is in blue color and adjective in Arabic language sentences comes second in order after the noun, which we want to describe....unlike the English language, adjective comes first.

1- الناضجة     
2-الناضجتان  or الناضجتين
3- الناضجات 

Dual example:
The ripe two apples are delicious. 
التفاحتانِ الناضجتانِ لذيذتان .
Attou-ffahahtani annadi-jatani lazeezatan.

Plural example:
The ripe apples are delicious. 
التفاحُ الناضجُ لذيذ .
Attou-ffahaho- annadi-jo lazeez.
In Verb

Verb definition : " Verb in Arabic language is called 'فعل -fe'l'. A word to express an action. it can express the present, the past, and the future tenses as well as orders"

Singular Example :
The baby cries.
الطِّفْلُ يَبْكِي .

Note: the verb is in light green color and verb in Arabic language sentences comes either first or second in order ...before or after the doer....unlike the English language, verb comes second in order after the doer...

Dual Example:
The two babies cry.
الطِّفْلانِ يَبْكِيان .

Plural Example:
The babies cry.
الأطْفَالُ تَبْكِي .

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