Difinite Article "ال"


"ال" is the definite article of Arabic language, it is the equivalent of the word "the" in English.
Any noun or adjective without "ال" is considered indefinite. 
* there is no particular sign for the indefinite as "a" in English language rules.
Nouns and adjectives, when indefinite and in the singular form, end with double vowel marks "تنوين -tanween" :

ً    ٌ    ٍ


 بنتًا   كتابٌ    بيتٍ   
* revert to previous grammar lessons to know more about tanween.

But when words are made definite by adding "ال" they end with a single vowel mark only.

البنتَ   الكتابُ   البيتِ
 Note: the definite article "ال" is prefixed to the nouns and adjectives it defines as it doesnot stand alone. 

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