Happy Birthday, Siku Marie, my daemon, Little White Dog of My Heart...11years of perfection seems so long and so short. How we chased a million stars.
The birthday girl started her day with special Dad and Me time as she and Steve went for a car ride and shared a donut as they watced the cold frosty morning break over the mountains. It was a ritual that they shared often when she was an only child. She woke me excitedly breathing blueberry pastry on my face.
At breakfast with all of the White Dog Army, WD was a hero because everypup got scrambled eggs in their morning dish. Steve did not mention that WD got eggs and a bit of crumbled bacon.
We all went back to bed after breakfast to cuddle and watch one of White Dog's favorite movies, Lady and The Tramp, the sun broke through the bedroom windows...fully brightly wonderfully and the WDA stretched to bask in the warm sunpuddles and sigh at the beautiful love story on the television. "For MY birthday," YoYo quipped at one particularly mushy point, "we are totally watching an ACTION flick!" He was roundly shushed...even by his brothers.
Of course, the movie put White Dog in a mood for spaghetti for her birthday dinner. "With meatballs," she added. Steve whipped up a delightful dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. The Italian bakery even made cannoli that was dog friendly for dessert.
After, The White Dog Army entertained their leader. Yo as Master of Ceremonies presented Bella and her amazing disappearing act...and the tag team wrestlers: Sachi, Zso and Pearl...Puff and Ferg were a comedic hoot as increasinly more difficult roadblocks that acrobat Zsofia nimbly jumped over or threaded her way past...and at the end all howled a special White Dog version of "Happy Birthday" to the Queen.
My girl is tired now after bedtime walks but still has a tiny space for bedtime snacks. Her favorite sweet potato maple ones from Nancy and Dawn. But she...and the rest can barely keep their eyes open long enough for me to finish.
Happy Birthday, White Dog, Siku Marie. From all of us. With love. Always.