Music in Africa highlights a study:
...Looking specifically at Africa and Middle East, the study found that Africa and Middle East is responsible for US$58bn in revenues (3% of global CCI revenues) and 2.4 million jobs (8% of total CCI jobs). While these numbers may seem impressive on their own, they fall well short of the rest of the world, specifically Asia-Pacific (34 % of global CCI revenues. 40 % of jobs), Europe (32% of global CCI revenues and 25 % of jobs), North America (28 % of global CCI revenues and 15% of jobs) and even Latin America (6% of global CCI revenues and 16% of jobs).
Noting that African music has been central to the development of popular music in North and South America and even Europe, the study notes particularly strong opportunities in film production, TV and music. Today, African societies contain cultural riches that are bubbling up to embrace the opportunities offered by new technologies and commercial markets. Film production and viewing are now driving employment growth in the CCI, with striking successes such as the rise of Nollywood, the Nigerian film industry, which is now reckoned to directly employ 300 000 people. Yet the African market is poorly structured and cultural goods are largely provided through the so-called ‘informal economy’, for example unofficial music performances, which is a significant part of the local cultural scene and a reservoir of jobs, employing some 547 500 people and generating US$4.2bn in revenues...[more]