Anarchistic update news all over the world 25 December 2015 - Part 1

Today's Topics:

1. iwa-ait: Solidarity with Ali and All Victims of State and
Religious Terror (
2. US, Black Rose Anarchist Federation/Federación Anarquista
Rosa Negra - Internationalism and Imperialism (
3. Against terrorism, war and
state of emergency: to fight on the field! (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
4. Italy, fdca-nordest - MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES - Press release
92 th Council of Delegates of Libertarian Alternative, Fano
December 13, 2015 (it, pt) [machine translation]
5. IAF Statement: The IFA meeting in Milano (28/29. 11. 2015)
reaffirms its opposition to all armies and wars.
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #255 (Nov) - Borders:
Walls everywhere, nowhere Home (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
7. Istanbul: Demo for Osman Evcan, vegan anarchist on
hungerstrike (Turkey) (
8. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #255 (Nov) - Review
Ballast: "Advocate, it's not a matter of folklore" (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
9. ucl-saguenay, Maintenance around YDG-H, vigilante groups of
districts in Kurdistan by Collectif Emma Goldman (fr) [machine
translation] (


Message: 1

Since November 13, France has been in a „state of emergency”, during which protest has 
been criminalized and many have been arrested and subject to house arrest. One of them is 
our comrade Ali from the CNT-AlT, who was put under house arrest at 3:30 AM on November 
28. ---- From the lWA, we roundly denounce the actions of the state. We remind that it is 
different states and religious zealots who are battling against each other to gain control 
over people and divide them. All of us are potential victims. We must unite and bring down 
the tyrants – all those existing and all those who wish to be. ---- Down with the state of 
emergency and long live international insurgency!


Message: 2

Imperialism is a system where the state and elite classes of some countries use their 
superior economic and military power to dominate and exploit the people and resources of 
other countries. The imperialist powers drain wealth from less powerful countries through 
debt, corporate investment, unequal power in trade, and military intervention. And while 
most of the world is nominally free from direct rule by imperialist nations, much of the 
same relations exist as neo-colonial relationships which are masked by local rule, as 
expressed by international domination implemented by local bourgeoisie to their benefit. 
---- We support popular struggles against military, economic and cultural expressions of 
imperialism. ---- Today, modern warfare, combined with modern science, is used to pursue 
ever increasing means of torment for humanity. War is increasingly waged, not merely on 
bodies, but on the minds, hearts, and land of dominated people. Torture, rape, genocide, 
poisoning and destroying of land are the mark of our time. Only through eradicating the 
root cause which drives countries to imperialist aggression, will we see an end to 
limitless war.

Our fight is both internal and external. Internally we fight the foundations of the 
imperialist economy and state which provides the basis for imperialism. Externally we seek 
to build concrete unity, through action and solidarity with movements that struggle to end 
imperialism and capitalism. In countries with peoples resisting invasion or domination by 
the major capitalist powers, we support movements of the oppressed classes in these 
countries, not their local states or local elites. We don’t support the national 
bourgeoisie and bureaucracies in their bid for power in these struggles. The history of 
the completed revolutions throughout Latin America, Africa, and the globe demonstrate the 
peril and vital mistake in supporting these forces.

In situations where a “national liberation movement” aims to oust a pro-imperialist 
leadership in a country or fight an occupation, we support movements of workers, peasants, 
and others of the popular classes in their struggle against imperialism, but not the 
state-building project of a “national liberation” political party. Self-determination 
requires the autonomy of the popular organizations from the ruling classes and party 
bureaucracies. Any liberation of a region must be based on the class struggle of the 
popular classes against capitalism itself, and not a recomposition of the ruling class 
within a territorial nation.

Imperialism can only be brought to an end by a social and economic transformation 
throughout the planet, which eliminates the system of competing states and exploitative 
class systems. Humanity needs to develop a new form of world association that respects the 
autonomy and differences of all communities or ethnic groups while allowing for democratic 
decision-making, rooted in grassroots institutions such as delegate congresses, to resolve 
global problems.

Economic interdependence and global capitalist power means that working people need 
solidarity across borders. A revolution that can liberate the working class from 
capitalist oppression needs to spread across national boundaries.

We develop and maintain international relationships, solidarity, and discussions to build 
a united revolutionary movement.


Message: 3

Alternative Libertaire Alsace intervention at the meeting against terrorism, war and state 
of emergency, December 19, 2015, in Strasbourg. ---- After the horrific attacks of 
November 13, Francois Hollande and Manuel Valls adopted the formula of George W. Bush in 
2001, "war on terror" and restriction of civil liberties. A militaristic reaction more 
dangerous to the French company for Daech. ---- Anti-Terror War, Episode 432 ---- The 
French government is conducting wars in several countries (Iraq, Libya, Mali, Syria ...) 
for years. These wars today have an impact on the French territory. Fifteen years of "war 
on terror" bombing of the occupation troops, drones, special forces ... hundreds of 
billions swallowed up, for what? It's in the ruins of bombed countries that jihadist 
leaders recruit people with nothing to lose.

Western states are caught in fatal contradictions. On one hand, they lead a "war on 
terror" endless. On the other they remain friends with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, 
supporting jihadism covertly. They guarantee the impunity of Israeli colonialism, which is 
nevertheless the cause of deep resentment. And to please Turkey, they still treat the PKK 
(Kurdish revolutionary left) as "terrorist".

Yet the Kurdish left today is the best defense against Daech. It imposed military defeats 
and above all it opposes him a political alternative with a draft democratic, secular, 
feminist and environmentalist.

The only measure that could improve our security, it would put an end to the French army 
interventions. And to fight the terrorists who terrorize also mainly people in the Middle 
East or Mali, it is we, the peoples of the West, to actively support those struggling on 
the field! Including the Kurds of Syria, whose revolutionary project is a real hope for 
all people who are currently suffering from tyrannies Bashar Assad or DAECH. It is we give 
them a little of our time, our money and demand of our European states, they cease to 
pursue them as terrorists!

Homeland War

Following these attacks, we witnessed a safe outburst maintained by political forces who 
surf against our fears to mount each other. These political forces do indeed have this 
argument of fear to justify their hold on power or conquest of power, as they have poor 
balance on the subject that pretend to define themselves as their priority: unemployment !

The populations of immigrant and the Muslim minority in this country are affected by 
political statements and are subject to indiscriminate reprisals.

The "state of emergency" is a scam. It will be powerless to stop suicide bombers. All 
draconian measures that are linked to each anti-terrorist law (there were 17 in 1986!) 
Have never managed to protect us! However, this state of emergency reduces public freedoms 
and hinders social protest. Thus, all demonstrations are prohibited except ... trade 
events (football matches, Christmas markets ...).

We know beforehand the scapegoats of this militaristic climate: the popular neighborhoods, 
migrants fleeing war and misery, the Muslim population (or "Muslim appearance", as said 
Sarkozy) has already undergone several "retaliation" racist since the attacks.

It is not a repetition of draconian devices that prevent new attacks. The state of 
emergency is the suspension of many democratic rights, the legalization of large-scale 
repressive measures with regard to various layers of the population that have nothing to 
do with the attacks.

We reject the government to take this opportunity to ban union mobilizations and 
environmentalists come: let us remember that during that time, Macron deals to massacre 
the few rights that we face our exploiters!

All this will lead to divide and strengthen fears and hatreds. All this will only lead to 
an escalation between terrorist attacks increasingly bloody and security responses 
increasingly repressive. The answer is neither the withdrawal nor the militarization of 

The solution will not come from those who have contributed to this situation by their 
militarist policies, imperialist, discriminatory, hateful. They use this to impose an 
increasingly police state and a national unity between exploiters and exploited-es, which 
we reject and denounce.

The solution requires the strengthening of solidarity, in the neighborhoods and at our 
workplaces, and through the consolidation of all those and all those who refuse all 
regimes of terror. Do not remain isolated-es! Let's get together to discuss our 
responsibilities to the situation, particularly in terms of unit shares of all social 
transformation forces.

The urgency is climate!

The capitalists under the banner came to COP21 explain how to save the world without 
especially touch their immediate interests, that is to say all the conditions that 
generate profits. The subject of ecology has been put back on the front stage, and that 
this conference becomes a success everything was done to silence opposition, border 
control, ban demonstrations, all drowned in state of emergency ... And while these 
sanctimonious talk, all year they help to implement projects detestable! For example, the 
government plans to revive the construction NDDL in January, or two months before the COP 
Ségolène Royal had issued a permit research to extract oil or shale gas in several French 
sites, Herbsheim in Alsace. Indeed, in Alsace, projects that destroy our environment and 
that we impose certain forms of alienating social relations abound. So many struggles to 
conduct daily ...

Struggles against the farm-factory bulls in Wintershouse 1200, the farm-factory to 700,000 
chickens Steinseltz, the famous GCO, the scam of deep geothermal energy, the old 
Reichstett refinery, etc., are already underway . But environmental groups that lead them 
rarely have a global vision that would lead them to question the substantive logic of 
these projects which together build stone by stone, an even more unequal and authoritarian 

For example, the case of the farm factory Wintershouse (between Brumath and Haguenau), 
opposes the Herons association with an agro-industrial. A joust took place on two separate 
lines, but have only one end. The "green" camp think the project is disgusting, but do not 
question the fact that the industry needs to expand. He took the opportunity to say that 
its opponents are hypocrites, that the consumer wants cheap i-phone, but the cheap food. 
Public authorities are full of meaning. The project is progressing quietly ... The dogma 
of the holy growth and high productivity that goes with it, still seem to be taboo! 
Normal: This is only the vulgar names of the so-called capital accumulation.

Such projects may seem trivial face of war and state of emergency, but they are indeed the 
basis for the further expansion of capital. A factory farm is a natural consequence of 
capitalism. This race productivism, gigantism, also causes land concentration in the hands 
of a few capitalists, to the detriment of small producers and the destabilization of 
ecosystems, living places.

No ecology without real political decision to get out of capitalism. Without 
self-management, which allows to collectively decide the real needs and how to satisfy 
them, there is always the possibility for a single individual, armed with his capital and 
supported by his banker and local authorities, in the defense of name the right to private 
property, to do what he wants in disregard of the public interest.

Alsace is full of events, it is now time to invest in these battles and take the problems 
at the root!

Published December 19, 2015 by CAL Alsace
163 visits


Message: 4

It 's true, human beings have always moved in history. Alone or entire peoples, to hunger 
for knowledge, food and freedom. And even if today move millions of people marching or 
conducted in places of segregation, this is not the end of history but only the end of the 
liberal dream, which claims that the boundaries of the permit the free movement of goods 
and capital but keep imprisoned men. ---- Today in the world more than 50 million people 
are on the road, (and very often locked) looking for a place to survive. Exploitation, 
'expropriation of natural resources, wars, both those fought with weapons that the 
economic, environmental devastation, products of the capitalist system have permanently 
altered entire regions and countries, making them uninhabitable. The unequal development 
of capitalism, and in particular the forty years of political liberalism, have accelerated 
and multiplied the dynamics of a physiological phenomenon, being functional to always move 
the hand d 'work necessary to its accumulation.

Immigrants and refugees who are trying for months to cross the borders of 'Europe are only 
a small part of those around the world have set off.

They do not have the starting conditions, if fleeing the war rather than poverty or 
dictatorships, but the closure of borders and the infamous trade that results in transform 
migrants as subjects who sell their labor power, into refugees, people who are forced to 
survive in risk everything, including their lives, to access at a level albeit minimal 

And the tragedy unfolding on the skin of refugees and migrants it has a direct impact on 
everyone's life.

The gradation of Fundamental Rights, made a fait accompli in these years of legislation on 
so-called migratory emergency, even when the emergency was not, finds its fulfillment in 
recent months. Within Europe that offers yet cradle of universal rights coexist with us 
people who are denied basic rights not only by the ruthless laws of the market, higher in 
rank to any constitution, but by special laws and ordinary, even by ministerial circulars.

In Italy now clear that decades of legislation shabby, criminal and seemingly amateurish, 
from the Bossi Fini, immigration, have made a fundamental contribution to creating the 
conditions for the dismantling of the rights and the prevailing insecurity exacerbated 
today for all and all in the workforce, while blackmail business linked to the renewal of 
residence permits shows in this period of crisis throughout its institutional violence, 
and is used as a weapon of blackmail against all forms of organization and struggle that 
starts or involving migrant workers.

IS the sacred right of the refugees to move at all shy recognition is used, paradoxically 
and in constant and open violation of every agreement signed by the European states, to 
combat all economic migration, almost always accompanied instead by a search for security, 
peace and justice. And if after the implosion of Libya the role of gendarme at the borders 
of Europe is entrusted to the butcher Erdogan ripagandolo in impunity and support for its 
anti-social policies and his dirty business with the Isis, the equation refugee immigrants 
terrorism is used , and not only by the right to limit once more rights of expression but 
also of organization and dissent. The first victims of the emergency legislation after the 
attacks in Paris were not random movements that challenged the rituals of the climate summit.

But, given the fan the flames of right more in this period of strong deconstruction of the 
world of work, to avoid the recurrence of conflicts ethnic / religious or pogroms will be 
responsible that workers' associations will have to assume, with all the collective 
subjects that can not stand idly by. Lies in our strength and will the ability of removing 
mines that are disseminating, to negotiate the labor and social rights at least in Europe 
without being drawn from the miseries and the inconclusive diatribes of the national 
aspects. The management of this period of social emergency collides increasingly with the 
criminalization and closing of each space of welcome and solidarity and self-managed from 
below, from the borders to those in our cities and hubs in migration patterns, where the 
only possible answers seem militarization and / or institutional management, often in the 
hands of mafias of all kinds.

But combat xenophobia, racism fascism, nationalism, propose an open and inclusive society, 
find in the ethical and historical responses of 'political action solutions to manage the' 
immigration is a necessary basis for manage the present and to build future

And this serves the commitment of all, who simply and emphatically He shares the 
sufferings and aspirations of every man and every woman and reaffirms a right that is the 
right to life against the walls and barbed wire, and who to this necessary response of 
conscience adds the effort to understand the causes and effects, without sovrapporne plans 
but blending the important part of the 'political action.

A European trade union movement conscious, inclusive and solidarity and mobilization of 
anti-racists are among the elements that need to build an acceptable response to 'arrival 
of millions of people in Europe, in the claim:

- The rejection of the European cage, for that matter our minimum space political action, 
- the slaughter of all the walls and the respect of the right of movement
l- at the end of the agreements in Dublin and all legislation securitarian emergency
- The construction of humanitarian corridors from crisis areas to promote the 'arrival of 
refugees, including those who for reasons of health and / or economic reasons can not get 
away from the places affected by the disaster of the policies of war and destruction of 
the liberal capitalism - the closure of identification centers and the immediate 
suspension of forced returns of economic migrants - A management open to the territory and 
municipalities reception centers, public or contracted to cooperatives in which to ensure 
the transparency of contracts and working conditions of the operators - the respect of the 
right to education and to 'inclusive education, and health care to every person still 
present in Europe - the respect of the right to work, in allowing those who can work, both 
in the private sector than in the third sector, both works of public utility, in 
cooperatives under the control of the workers - the protection and decriminalization of 
all forms of self-organization and solidarity from below, only real antidote to fascist 
shift in Europe, knowing that millions of anonymous and fearful voters will pushed to 
legitimize a political class of profiteers, racist and fascist in all countries.

No one will tomorrow ask you where you were, our job, our duty is always to take the side 
of those who wrong them suffers from the exploited, the last of the earth so much that are 
scaring the certainties of a bourgeois' Europe ended on the rocks of fear fed by sorcerers 
bloody, frightened by 'arrival of millions of people who wanted to underdeveloped and 
different psichiatrizzati he said Franz Fanon. Will not easily support the weight of the 
clash, a new phase of anti-militarist and anti-fascist struggle will see us involved as 
always, for the 'proletarian internationalism against capitalism and its always new, 
always old, forms of exploitation and violence.

Libertarian Alternative / FdCA

92 th Council of Delegates

Fano, 13 December 2015


Message: 5

It’s the states that sell the weapons that will kill populations in the future. Military 
interventions, whether direct or indirect, are one of the main causes of destabilisation 
in regions worldwide (e.g. Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Somalia). These interventions favour armed 
groups, mafia structures and exploitative trafficking. ---- The civil populations that 
suffer in these conflicts are forced to flee, taking refuge in precarious tent camps or 
trying their luck on dangerous and often fatal journeys to Europe. ---- We express our 
solidarity with the migrants coming to fortress Europe to flee war, unbearable economic 
situations and inhumane conditions. ---- Nationalist feelings and the normalisation of 
militarism are on the rise in response to a combination of mass migration, terrorist 
attacks and war.

We strongly oppose this process and strive for a world without borders and states.

States use the war in their own territories to identify an enemy within that then needs to 
be repressed, and they implement a state of emergency and emergency laws. Indeed, this 
then serves to attack social movements and the freedom of the people. This situation is 
also being used to strengthen austerity measures.

We fight against religious and state violence.

We do not accept calls for „national unity“ in the name of a war against terrorism. We 
know our real enemies, they are :

religious fundamentalism,
capitalist oppression,
racism and
the state.
In this situation we offer our support to all victims of the violence of States and 
religion around the world. We call on populations to resist xenophobic propaganda and to 
build new forms of solidarity against the wars the states want to involve us in.

International Anarchist Federation, Milan, November 15, the 28-29.


Message: 6

There are twenty-six, the wall cutting Germany in two fell. Beyond this fall has been 
emulated, we now witnessing a proliferation of gigantic physical border barriers. ---- 
Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Cyprus, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel, China and of course 
the United States: the list of border walls every day seems to grow. There remained only 
ten at the end of the Cold War. There are now over sixty. In a world that the myth of the 
happy globalization has promised free and open to everyone, people are divided into two 
categories: those that can move freely and others. The Western world as a whole is 
strengthened administrative behind first ramparts by offering very dear visa systems. When 
these administrative barriers are deemed insufficient, the response of the States and now 
takes more the form of border walls.

The idea of erecting a physical barrier to stop the waves of migration as it would divert 
the flow of a river is not new and, above denotes a strong xenophobic sentiment of a 
population to its neighbors. Let us remember Hadrian's Wall (Scotland) or the Chinese 
Wall. In both cases, the walls were built to send a symbolic signal to anyone, inside or 

A border patrol to $ 13 billion

And whether to judge the military effectiveness of these constructions, the Maginot line 
reminds us a wall, as it is supposed impregnable, is still circumvented. Today, however, 
despite these precedents, the Hungarian Viktor Orbán government is preparing him also to 
enter history as a European leader who has strengthened its border. The erection of a wall 
is not a trivial matter. These barriers are expensive to build and, like any building, 
need to be maintained. These costs are never presented to policymakers at the time of the 
vote when erected in the so-called democratic states. The 2015 budget for the Border 
Patrol in the United States is, for example 13 billion against $ 5 billion in 2003. Far 
from arresting migration attempts or the entry of illegal goods, this barrier has instead 
signed the death warrant of 5000 people per year when they tried passing.

The walls are never more than a further obstacle on the long road of migrants and migrant. 
At the symbolic violence that represents a border wall adds physical violence of its 
circumvention. But as recalled former US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano: 
"Show me a 50 foot wall and I'll show you a staircase of 51 feet. "The walls have never 
stopped and will never stop those who have already had to abandon everything. Given their 
"ineffectiveness", one can legitimately ask the question of erecting these barriers. 
Ultimately, it seems that the wall is an object "photogenic" able to reassure a xenophobic 
population without actually playing the role for which it was designed. Tackling the 
actual cause of migrants and migrant arrivals would place most often introspection of 
States over their past actions and present vis-à-vis the populations who are heading to 
Europe today to find closed door.

Nico (friend of AL)


Message: 7

A demonstration took place in Taksim (Istanbul) to show solidarity with vegan anarchist 
Osman Evcan who is on hunger strike for 37 days, and with the political prisoner Hasan 
Çınar who is on hunger strike for 15 days. The demo continued by constant threats by the 
riot police and ended by police attack after the public statement. ---- Public statement 
---- Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan- who is resisting against authority in prisons 
for 23 years- is demanding total freedom against the ecological destruction and slaughter, 
hunger, poverty and war politics that state, civilization and capitalism created. ---- 
Osman’s first hungerstrike was at 2011 to access vegan food in jail which lasted 42 days. 
During his hungerstrike the anarchists, animal liberationists all over the World and in 
Turkey supported Osman’s fight to access vegan food in prison. After 42 days of 
hungerstrike the government took a step back and made regulations for the vegan and 
vegeterian prisoners in prison: ”Vegan or vegetarian prisoners demands will be accepted as 
long as its limited by subsistence allowance”.

After his hunger strike for 33 days on June 2015 he took vegan food
supplies one step further and he gained the right to get vegan food from
outside the prisons.

After the last November elections in the geography of Turkey with the
approval of the hegemony of Islamic fascism of AKP, in this oppressive
climate Osman Evcan also got his share and all the vital rights and
benefits of a vegan diet gained as a result of a continuous fight and
struggle was taken from him. The reason behind the lasting mistreatment
and abuse of rights of Osman Evcan, who is holding an ongoing indefinite
hunger strike since November 10th is obvious. Today is the 37th day of
his hunger strike. To show solidarity with Osman also his cellmate Hasan
Çınar- who is suffering from serious stomach diseases- started his
indefinite hunger strike on 1. December. Instead of giving Osman back
the rights he gained, the prison administration and prosecutor is
putting pressure on Osman by threatening him, so that he stops his
resistance. Osman is at a critical stage of the hunger strike. And
Hasan’s stomach problems are worsening day by day. But Osman and Hasan
are determined to continue their hunger strike till the end.

About Osman Evcan, Ministry of Justice was also informed but no one
took a single step to solve this problem. Not to damage their authority
a little they are taking the risk to mutilate or slaughter Osman. This
slaughter attempt made an impact all over the world: there were
solidarity actions in Istanbul, in İzmir, in Russia, İn France, in
Greece, in Chile, in Georgia to support Osman Evcan and to stop the
Turkish state massacre in Kürdistan.

The rights that vegan and vegetarian prisoners have it’s not a grace of
public authorities, it’s a gain of Osman’s hunger strikes, and
solidarity actions in Turkey and all over the world. Eating is not only
a vital need it’s also a political choice. Refusing to eat the dead body
of a living creature, drinking the milk as a result of rape, eating the
egg of captivity; is also a rejection of government domination on an
individual. The rights that Osman Evcan gained are too important to not
to hand over them to arbitrary treatments, unstable prison
administration, systematic intimidation politics against political

States have been imposing intimidation to deter prisoners of their
principles and struggles, through physical, psychological and political
oppression, which has existed for years in prisons. Punishment does not
end by stepping in the prison. Prisons aim to destroy the inmates in
every sense.

Every day we hear that, even the most basic needs of LGBT prisoners are
not met and they are intentionally subjected to discrimination; sick
prisoners are nearly abandoned to death by insistently blocking their
eviction from prisons even for their treatment; female prisoners’
children in prisons are forced to live and grow up every day with a
great trauma of being under a gun-point and being locked-up. All the
various forms of intimidation and repression against political prisoners
are towards forcing the political consciousness and self-confidence to
leave their body. We do not accept any of such intimidation and
repression policies. We will continue to maintain solidarity with Osman
Evcan and all political prisoners who have been victimized because of
the authoritarian state practices and attitude of the prison
administrations. We report that we hold the government, the Justice
Department, General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses, the
related prosecutors and prison administration responsible for any health
problems that our comrades who are on hunger strike might face.

Osman Evcan is not alone! Osman Evcan’s demands are clear against this
state domination, which spreads into society through prisons. Until
these demands are met, until Osman Evcan and all vegan-vegetarian
prisoners get vegan food, until all sick prisoners are released, until
all the rights of prisoners are granted to them in Turkey’s prisons and
until this dirty, bloody war ends, we affirm once more that we will
continue to fight.

The state does not need an ammo depot, it is possible to implement all of it
in a democratic system. Our struggle is with this system. Our struggle
will continue until all the walls are destroyed, which is built against
anyone opposing the world we live in, anyone who rebels.




Message: 8

Since winter 2014, a new magazine, Ballast, published two issues. The same team runs a 
website. Militant without being partidaire, it feeds on its diversity to try to reach 
beyond the circles already convinced. Meet. ---- Alternative Libertaire - "Ballast" 
existed for one year. What has motivated the launching of the magazine? On what editorial 
line? With what objectives? ---- "Ballast" - The idea was that the crossing of the fork: 
break the silos, open the small boxes. Weave together poetry and politics, economics and 
painting, sociology and the logbook. We did not invent anything, "" Transform the world, 
"says Marx; "Change of life", said Rimbaud these two watchwords for us are but one. 
"(Signed: André Breton). Mix "thought", with quotes it implies, and the ground level; the 
"theory" and the plan to close the ordinary. With only the common axis and not division. 
The core of emancipation movements and not what dislocates. Rather the First International 
(with its various contradictory currents fruitful oh!) That devout sects. The policy is 
also History of situations and emotions. Put an anarchist and reformist in two different 
processions a demonstration, insults raining down; tell them to work on a common project 
and draw bridges. The doctrinal nitpicking art remains privileged and those who are in 
politics like other house of cards.

And in fact, the collaborators of the magazine just what political horizons?

Some are encartés, others refuse to belong to any organization whatsoever - we are many in 
the Left Front, to Alternative Libertaire, the Workers' Party of Belgium, in the unions. 
More broadly, we could probably identify three main trends: those operating within the 
anarchist tradition and / or libertarian communist; those who claim to Marxism, the 
Trotskyist heritage and / or Leninist; those who feel close to what might be called the 
"radical reformism" that is to say, today, formations such as Syriza or Podemos (formerly 
Allende Popular Unity). Stating that it does not overlap with all participants: some say 
"councilist" or "Zapatistas" when others do not really intend to be defined by such strict 
label - to say nothing of those who join , first of all, feminist spaces, 
environmentalists or anti-colonialist. Communist anarchists find us too; too reformist 
anarchists; too reformist anarcho-communists: good pick! Remain the most numerous 
hopefully all the "sharers" goodwill.

Are there a true diversity and if so what does this diversity brings concrete terms?

A real diversity, yes. On sometimes technical, strategic issues (government, elections, 
representation, etc.) or less strictly political - some know nothing about poetry and 
others fiercely suspicious of purely theoretical approaches. The choice of some of the 
maintenance is sometimes prone to frank discussions. The contribution seems clear: the 
positions rub, if esquintent, maintain their course or intersect unexpectedly - this is a 
plurality in the image of social movements and protest, like the people, the people , 
Simply. We all know it is not purity in major upheavals: anyone but a recipe for disaster, 
never thought that a current, archiminoritaire and sure of his solitude, was custodian of 

What distinguishes Ballast of mainstream magazines on one side and the other militant press?

We spend boss well, advertisements and shareholders on the one hand; we think it should 
advocate, yes, but it is not a matter of folklore, on the other. The question is not who 
has the biggest or most red flag: our edges are firm but we prefer to put us at the same 
table with our labels, abbreviations and our detuned our parties, the better to overthrow 
then - and together. Our enemies are not afraid to get their hands dirty: the "radical 
left" sometimes gives the impression that she does not have one. We do not always succeed 
but have constantly in mind that our texts must be readable by all (we're not talking of 
employees of politics, convinced activists and academics). This "all" that often does not 
need page of footnotes to know what to plug into the air.

The militant press, or rather partidaire (because the word "militant" suits us), we read 
regularly, tends to express itself in a closed circuit. Insider codes, slogans affiliates, 
automatic vocabulary. This inbreeding, which can be heard and defend themselves, does not 
tell us more than that. Orwell wrote that many people willing to "take the plunge" were 
stopped in their tracks against the militant and revolutionary folklore happy caution!

So, what are you doing to be accessible to the greatest number? And is it a success?

The "many" ... we are not the jargon, again, is a well shared passion in our political 
family: it is sometimes who to include himself the least. We make sure it fiercely. Not 
popularize, but to clarify: it's the least polite when one cause of common and collective. 
Let's be clear: we prefer to be read by people who have never heard of Marx by specialists 
who écharpent to see which of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 or Capital said 
it best thought of that ... It goes Marx also by attention - that may seem ridiculous, 
wrongly - to aesthetics: make pleasant reading, the reader does not get bogged down in the 
texts without images of rivers, not to fists raised on every page. And what we want to do 
more and more: the columns open to people who have nothing to do with the academic world 
or strictly political (what we are for many of us).

Do you have an idea of building up your readership?

Difficult question, because we did not investigate. But we do not pay any words: social 
networks have this characteristic that political content first run in circles a priori 
already "receptive". However, some papers open the doors to other areas and, hence, make 
possible and thinkable impetus to the unifying basis of our project.

How does the magazine, which animates and by what means is it distributed?

We are a group of forty people now. Everyone is voluntary and Aden editions are 
responsible for printing and distribution in bookstores. We have not local but try, 
insofar as possible, away (we live in Lyon, Mosel, Brussels, Quebec, Normandy and Paris), 
to collectively decide publications.

"Ballast" is also an active website. Why go out on paper in parallel?

This was designed so from the beginning. The paper because we never penciled margins of a 
screen ink or felt a tablet; Internet, because time is what it is and that politics is a 
dish often served hot. The two spaces are autonomous but consistent.

Interview by Vincent (G Paris-Sud)

More information on:

The magazine is available in bookstores and costs 15 euros. The next release is scheduled 
in November.


Message: 9

A. We meet on December 10 during a demonstration in solidarity with the people and 
comrades besieged in the old city of Sur in Diyarbakir. There are about 500-600 people 
present and advance towards the cops blocking the road, who sing and shout slogans. There, 
in the middle of the crowd, a young boy of just 14 years intrigue us. On his hand, between 
the thumb and forefinger three dots tattooed immediately remind us of the three points of 
"Death to the cows' by here. Intimidated by our interest, it is the young men beside him 
who meet our curiosity. Yes, it is an anti-cop tattoo: a point for "I did not see 
anything," another for "I heard nothing," and one for "I have nothing to say" facing the 
police, no poukave, no balance! The discussion is started with this small group of 
protesters. But with A., 25, it will last the longest. He tells us that his sister, 
engaged in guerilla long time, surely the other side of the dam cops on the other side of 
the wall, trying to fight. It has no real news but understand she were in the corner of 
Diyarbak?r, then it comes back to the other side. The discussion is all stakeholder suite 
and we offer it to the heart of the demo, a little talk around YDG-H, armed vigilantes 
compounds neighborhoods by young people who live there ...

Can you explain what the YDG-H movement (Yurtsever Devrimci Gençlik Hareket, basically the 
"Movement of the Revolutionary Patriotic Youth")? Is it a kind of self-defense movement 

The YDG-H is a movement that was born in the Kurdish regions, to protect the culture and 
the Kurdish people. At the moment, we can see the action in Diyarbak?r and throughout 
Kurdistan to defend the values of social emancipation of the people.

This movement is it related to the PKK?

This is not a branch of the PKK, but since it is a guerrilla movement, in terms of the 
technical side of things the PKK helps train YDG-H in combat. The YDG-H is formed in the 
mountains, and then just defend the people in urban areas.

We can give an example for comparison: it's like in the 90s, when the PKK had been helped 
in his training by TIKKO movement (Marxist-Leninist Maoist). They have different 
ideologies but are found on several aspects, to have the same enemy, wanting to defend 
their people, and wanting the liberation of peoples.
The PKK'li remain the guerrillas from the mountains, and YDG -H are urban guerrillas. 
Against all the oppressions that undergoes the guards to view rehearsals to searches, 
imprisonments, and many other injustices, these guerrillas are there for self defense and 
to defend the people.

The government says it is there to protect the people, it is there to assert the rights of 
everyone, and nothing in this direction, that's where we get this movement. Imagine a cat, 
if you attack it shows its claws, it is instinctive, it's defense. And a normal and 
natural way, all these attacks against the state, it was vital to have protection of the 
people in the neighborhoods.

Specifically how it is organized? It is a group of friends who meet and who decide to go 
to train in the mountains? There are different groups that coordinate like this?

These organizations are created in neighborhoods. These groups were formed initially to 
fight against prostitution and drugs in their neighborhoods. Young people say "we, we do 
not want drugs at home! "Taking into account the damage caused it on people. They say they 
do not want to be exploited or exploited. They want the coup protect the neighborhood 
anything that might weaken their emancipation. Hence arises the movement of YDG-H.

Must not think that these young people are young "thugs" where roam the swing arm without 
understanding is that the entours. These are young people that come from different 
organizations. They studied their history, know their culture, study their people, and 
thus decide how to defend and reflect on all this. In fact, they work and are working to 
facilitate the empowerment of people in our neighborhoods. But in recent months, they are 
unfortunately forced to not only consider the question of self-defense.

And if the protests are becoming larger in Kurdistan in recent years is also due to 
history. The Turkish government chanted after the massacres in 80-90 years: "We have 
buried the Kurdish people, and with all the cement we poured over their graves, they are 
not about to get up. ". And our leader [Abdullah Öcalan], gave us raised his head. And 
YDG-H will not stop in their struggle.

There the leader motivates and activates the actions of each other but not only. There is 
also the government's presence on our land that becomes more and more absurd. No solution 
is found to the difficulties facing the people in the neighborhoods, so people want to 
empower, and to fend for themselves. The government here, attacking and killing his people 
in a way increasingly violent and terrifying. So, yes, it is organized, yes, it fights, 
yes, we try to defend ourselves as we can.

What we fail to understand about YDG-H is if these are small groups that are federated, 
but also have their own initiatives? For example those of Baglar, those Ofis, those on 
[different districts of Diyarbak?r] ... or whether it's in Diyarbak?r or above that 
decisions are made?

These are small groups that organize themselves. For example Baglar groups to meet and 
organize, also in Sur, and in various other districts of Diyarbakir. These are groups of 
ten, fifteen people. And then in these groups of people, some of them volunteer to carry 
the word of each other ... and those who carry the Word come together to propose different 
ideas of events that have been discussed before in each of groups. If the action must be 
done Baglar, it is there, if it is also happening elsewhere ... The decisions are made 
like that. But also through the technological tools of today. But I should mention also 
that in many events and meetings, there is not necessarily members of YDG-H, or very 
little. Sometimes there will be an initiative, a member of a group is going to propose, 
and it will push others to participate in the demonstration. And from the technical point 
of view, as they were trained to arms those they know they have to do at the right time.

So they are trained? When we see as just now the 13 year old kid who throw stones, is that 
it can integrate YDG-H if he was 16?

No, it's not like that. As I said earlier, all young people in the neighborhood are not 
YDG-H. Those who throw stones these are kids who also suffer repression, the guards to 
view, and the terror of the state. It is young people who also defend but which are not 
part of YDG-H. In neighborhoods, there are groups of youth initiatives, they act the way 
they find most appropriate.

Is there any other form of self-defense in neighborhoods? For example younger?

One of the struggles we lead today is to free our leader, but also to empower our 
territories. Young people are often politicized groups, they also organize events, 
rallies, which will move people from home. But young YDG-H armed actions which do not 
disclose their actions to the people. The people and the various political parties are not 
notified of their movement, it comes from their own initiative.

Just to say as a kid of 13 who will throw his stone is a personal initiative. Here for 
example the gathering today, people were really aware of the initiative yesterday, 
everyone will learn, word of mouth, and now we are about 500 to be combined.

Do you belong to other civil organizations, legal or not?

I am social networks, and I keep myself informed, and I come whenever I can. I do not put 
any importance on the legal issue or not. There, we are here, in this event, and if it is 
under attack, well, we think of defending themselves.

I thought I saw that there were YDG-KH, is that there are women in? And if it does exist 
is like YPG and YPJ [the People's Protection Units of Rojava], with a mixed organization 
and another to women?

Yes yes, the group of KH-YDG exists. I have an example, this year in Cizre, a family 
wanted to marry their teenage daughter who did not, and the group was involved in the 
marriage, and saved the girl. The YDG-H is like the PKK, which in other groups, such as 
the vigilante group of women. These are groups that exist face all crap made to the 
Kurdish people.

Are there groups composed solely of women?

Yes, are not mixed groups. They have their own training, theoretical and technical. 
Sometimes YDG-H and YDG-KH are also found to take action together.

There are some here in Diyarbak?r?

Yes, yes there are.

Do we see them often YDG-H to action?

We know nothing, actually! There is a member who could sit with you, chat and be part of 
YDGH, and you'd know not anything. I have the impression you want to know whether the 
H-duYDG people have an identity and no, they do not want to have an identity. Only an 
illegal organization. And that, for by that unmasks them. The thoughts right now are 
focused on self-defense, but in the idea the YDG-H would like to expand their knowledge on 
the side of the Turks as well, as they too can suffer as we one day of state attacks.


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