Anarchistic update news all over the world 10 December 2015

Today's Topics:

1. Anarchist Federation of Catalunya (FAC) - The speeches will
not do (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - policy, The dam on the
far right, it is in the social struggles and solidarity (fr, it,
pt) [machine translation] (
3. Spain, Embat: Interview Direct from our colleague Joaquim
arrested on October 28 in the final phase of Operation Pandora.
(ca) [machine translation] (
4. Campaign of the Anarchist Federation of Catalunya for the
general election. Other ways: Parliaments do not serve us. (ca)
[machine translation] (
5. Greeting of the Anarchosyndicalist Rosinante Initiative at
the 11th Congress of the CNT in Zaragoza (gr) [machine
translation] (
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #255 (Nov) - Right: Taking
action (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (


Message: 1

Parliaments exist, and there are queues of unemployment or low wages, pay for education or 
health care, lack of childcare or a clinic, lack of access to three meals a day the land 
is not worked, the transfer of a river, or the fracking construction works that nobody has 
asked. And this proves that no good; will not do if we want to change our day. ---- Why 
not participate in the electoral game nor wish to govern in parliament. We believe that 
the true strength and power to change hings is not to participate in elections and you ne 
more seats than the opponent. Greece once again has shown us the way that we do not go. 
From the government, from its legality and its rules have again demonstrated that 
political decisions are always taken against the will of the masses, and in favor of 
economic power and the state apparatus.

Instead, much of the time that the oppressed have rebelled and have managed to destroy 
part of the prevailing system of domination have created structures hori tzontals where 
people participate in decisions that affect them. It is not a new invention. Zapatista 
revolution has occurred in the '90s or the current situation in Kurdistan. Tell assembly, 
council or neighborhood meeting. T axis r and restore social ties with those with whom we 
live every day. The parliament and elections are not a conquest of democracy. Are its 
negation. Since abandon our ability to decide and act on the issues that interest us. For 
us, democracy is one in which the people exercise their sovereignty directly without the 
intermediation of politicians and their in stitucions.

Therefore we believe that the best way to make a real change in our lives is to fight 
everyday and above all to move forward. Step has already been done as strikes or Movistar 
Panrico. We must change the verb, we must stop praying politicians, hopefully we get that, 
knowing what is right, we do not. It's time to start appropriating ourselves the means and 
the tools necessary to stop waiting with inexhaustible enthusiasm this time it is the time 
to act to turn expectations into reality. That is why we advocate that the political 
struggle should be on the street, at work, in schools and hospitals, because those rights 
conquered by our force will be more difficult to seize those subject to law, election 
promises and making criminals of the troika.

From the Anarchist Federation of Catalonia not asking anybody to vote for, just ask we 
struggle. Fight neighborhoods, villages struggle, struggle in the countryside, fights at 
work and home, in schools and fight fight wherever there is injustice and oppression.
Anarchist Federation of Catalonia, December 2015


Message: 2

The FN may grab a couple of area presidencies. The PS and Republicans panicking at the 
thought of losing their seats in favor of the monster. A monster that has thrived on their 
anti-social political, security and stigmatization of immigrants. A monster that, in many 
respects, resembles them, and worse! One deflate the extreme right with a renewal of the 
social movement, collective struggles and hopes of a real change in society. ---- For 
thirty years the governments of left and right détricotent social protection, solidarity, 
public services. ---- Thirty years as unemployment and insecurity keep pace as the 
fortunes of the ultra-rich. ---- Thirty years we've praised the success of social values, 
individualism, selfishness. ---- For thirty years the FN surged. Thirty years after the 
parties and the media which carry the responsibility for this descent into hell have lost 
all credibility in the eyes of the electorate.

From this point of view it is remarkable that the parties to the left of the PS pay more 
than the PS itself: it is the price of their management agreements with the PS, as the 
price of voting state of emergency that many of their supporters and sympathizers no 
longer accept.

FN always revolve around many openly fascist splinter groups and racist discourse seduced 
a part of the electorate. And if there are many politicians whine for the evening of the 
first round, we are few and many fight all year. But it is the social discourse, 
misleading and inconsistent, developed by Marine Le Pen which now enables the FN to widely 
attract masses.

Neither the SP nor the right nor Gattaz have any credibility when they denounce the social 
promises of the FN. It is only in the actual social struggles and strikes the FN unmasks, 
always quick to condemn the strikers and trade unionists. It is on this ground where we 
can roll back the FN and we will use not only on the eve of any election but throughout 
the year.

This is why we do not accept the lessons of "good citizenship" distributed on the fly by 
the media and mainstream parties. Half the French eligible voters abstained. And over 70% 
in the poorest cities of Seine-Saint-Denis. Our problem is to transform this rejection of 
the electoral farce in constructive force, strong and self-management.

We will not do it with our own strength. With our proposed anti-capitalist front, we are 
addressing largely to activists already organized various parties as to those who find 
themselves in any political organization. A front to develop the struggle against the 
employers' exploitation and all injustice, all discrimination.

No one is too much to rebuild a favorable balance of power in the camp of working people, 
the emancipation, the values of equality and solidarity. Therefore, following the first 
round of regional elections, we propose to refuse to divide a little more anti-capitalist 
about the second round. Alternative Libertaire also says those who understand will again 
refuse to participate in the electoral farce; and also include those who will choose, in 
the regions concerned, of blocking a victory for the far right.

What is needed is to act together stronger tomorrow in businesses and neighborhoods.

Alternative Libertaire, December 7, 2015


Message: 3

"The invention of the 'anarchist terrorism' reflects the intention to criminalize certain 
sectors of the popular movements" ---- Joaquim is 27 years studying social education and 
worked in a mental home. Milita libertarian organization process and Embat is a social 
activist and politician involved in Gracia ---- MARC RUDE | 11/17/2015 | the thread - 
Direct ---- Three weeks ago, the Mossos d'Esquadra break down the door of his house early 
in the morning, they searched the house and took away personal belongings to all who live 
there. To him, they took him prisoner and moved to the Spanish National Court on charges 
of "belonging to a criminal organization with terrorist aims." Joaquim has decided to make 
public the case and report their primary responsibility, the Generalitat of Catalonia and 
the body of the Autonomous Police. Direct recounts his journey to the police and judicial 
interpretation and policy making. From the outset, however, makes it clear that only 
speaks for himself and not for the entire group of facing trial, some of which do not 
agree to grant interviews to the media.

/ GORKA Leizaran - DIRECT

How did you take off on October 28?

I was sleeping. Suddenly, a quarter of six in the morning, a group of riot police burst 
the door, entered and retained us, me, my partner and my roommates. Then came the brigade 
information and the court clerk. For five or six hours were devoted to scrutinize the 
entire house to take away computers, phones, cameras ... not only me but also the other 
people living there. Especially sought manuscripts, notes of meetings ... They stir 
everywhere and let it all out of place. It was not until noon that made me know that he 
was accused of "belonging to a terrorist organization" and I communicate my arrest. Then 
they handcuffed me and they took me in a car Mossos d'Esquadra. From there I was taken to 
Ruby, where I spent many hours. The next day at noon, after passing the House Civil Guard 
barracks in Sant Andreu de la Barca, they took me to Madrid.

What happens to you the head while waiting in jail?

These contradictory feelings: anger, helplessness, fear. I think people who are out and I 
am anxious what will happen. M'assetja the thought of prison. View previous operations is 
a possibility that I start to try to assimilate: it may end up in prison.

"The whole procedure is so strange at all times is evident that the judge does not know 
much about what the subject. No records read "

What prompts the judge?

They simply asked me if I would declare and I answer no. There are secret summary and even 
my lawyer has knowledge of the causes, which makes impossible any kind of defense. The 
whole procedure is so strange at all times is evident that the judge does not know much 
about what the subject. Not read the files. The only action is the tax, which basically 
says that transmits information received Mossos d'Esquadra. Try to convince the judge of 
my danger by being a terrorist and called my admission to prison, unavoidable by paying $ 
10,000 bail. The lawyer asked to enter the prison grounds not my academic commitments and 
my work and communicate that economic conditions do not allow me bail so high. The judge 
lowered to 5,000 euros. After going to declare us back to the cells. There, we heard 
shouts that everyone can go free if you pay a deposit within the CNT and fellow 
Libertarian Action Santos, who will be imprisoned. At six in the afternoon, leave us free. 
Freedom is bitter, because rest of us inside. Outside, we expect more than 200 people. 
Friday night, we arrived in Barcelona. The first thing I do is rebuild what has happened. 
This process concerns me a few days because I want to read what the press has said, know 
that there have been demonstrations ...

"The only action is the tax, which basically conveys information Mossos d'Esquadra. Try to 
convince the judge of my danger and asks for my admission to prison "

What do political interpretation of the operation Pandora?

Following the financial crisis in recent years, begins a series of unprecedented 
demonstrations. Several movements begin to overflow the limits of that power is able to 
accept. The regime is questioned for many reasons and from many bands. From there, it 
launches the repressive system that affect both anarchists jailed and facing trial for the 
protest before the Parliament or the general strikes ... Myself, I also requested five 
years in prison for a charge of make passive resistance against the eviction of a family 
Clot. The gag law is a statement of intent not think allowing questioning power, wherever 
it comes from the protest. Operation Pandora is another stage of this cycle that aims to 
move the speech and accusations of terrorism in the social struggles.

The term terrorism anarchist of the nineteenth century it seems ...

For many people, it is obvious that it does not exist. Only the real judiciary and media. 
This invention responds to a need to criminalize certain sectors of the popular movements 
with the intent to scare the rest. The powerful seek to wash your face and put on the mask 
of victims, when they beat us devoted to the demonstrations, to cut social rights to put 
his hand into the box ... In Spain, s 'policy has always been terrorism. Now, since there 
is no armed organization, speeches and all the apparatus that had been aimed at creating 
an internal enemy have lost their reason for being. Therefore, they need to create new 
enemies and have to look for social movements in both the libertarian and antifascist 
movement of the worker or M-15.

The rhetoric against terrorism can be transformed into state terrorism?

In my opinion, it is the terrorist who condemn us to misery. Terrorists are not paying 
decide on my life and when I take m'incriminen aware of the situation and indicate their 
responsibilities. And the first responsible for this operation are the Government of 
Catalonia and the Catalan police. Yes, it is under the orders of the government of the 
Catalan president Mas who have requested authorization to a tribunal as the High Court to 
conduct the investigation from the beginning, not the opposite.

"When we talk about the process, we have to know what kind of people we have before. From 
the time of Interior Felip Puig, is a substantial change in the repressive action of the 
Government "

Such tactics of the Catalan contrast with the image of an injustice Artur Mas pursued by 
the Spanish courts ...

This should make us see what is the true face of the CDC, who wants us to understand that 
the enemy of the Catalan people living in Madrid. In fact, the enemy of political and 
social rights is both here and there. When we talk about the process, we know what kind of 
people we have before. From the time of Interior Felip Puig, is a substantial change in 
the repressive action of the Government. The Mossos are out of control? Partly yes and 
partly no, because they follow orders policy born of a strategy against social movements. 
This started a few years ago and we are still suffering.

What should be the role of the company before these cases?

See the social rejection that have generated so much time that I have suffered repressive 
as those that have been undertaken against strikers or demonstrators Stop Parliament makes 
me think that a significant number of the population aware of the problem. Above all, I 
want to thank all the expressions of support I have received from many spheres. When you 
face an accusation so it helps a lot to see and hear this mobilization, solidarity reply. 
It gives you strength to keep going when denouncing the root of all this policy.


Message: 4

Parliaments exist, and there are queues of unemployment or low wages, pay for education or 
health, lack of child care or outpatient, lack of access to three meals a day or unworked 
land, the diversion of the river, fracking or building works that no one has asked. And 
that shows that they do not serve; not serve us if we want to change is our day. ---- 
Therefore, we do not participate in the electoral game nor do we wish to govern in 
parliament. We believe that the true strength and the power to change things are not going 
to participate in the elections and try to have more seats than the opponent. Greece, 
again, has shown us the way we do not want to go. From the government, from its legality 
and its rules have again shown that political decisions are always made against the will 
of the masses, and in favor of economic power and the state apparatus.

Instead, much of the time that the oppressed have rebelled and managed to destroy part of 
the prevailing system of domination have created horizontal structures, where people 
involved in decisions affecting them. It is not a new invention. It has happened in the 
Zapatista revolution of the '90s or the current situation in Kurdistan.

Call it assembly, council, or meeting of neighbors. Knitting and recover social bonds with 
those with whom we live every day. Parliament and elections are not a conquest of 
democracy. They are his denial. Since we abandoned our ability to decide and act on issues 
that concern us. For us, democracy is one in which the people exercise their sovereignty 
directly without the intermediation of the politicians and their institutions.

We therefore consider that the best way to make a real change in our lives passes struggle 
everyday and above all to step forward. Step that has already been done and Movistar 
strikes or Panrico. We must change the verb, we should stop praying to politicians, 
hopefully give us that, knowing that it's fair, do not have. It is time to begin, to 
appropriate means and tools, to stop waiting with unshakable illusion that this time it is 
the time to act to turn expectations into reality. That is why we advocate that politics 
and the struggle must be on the street, at work, in schools and
in hospitals, because those rights won by our strength will be harder to snatch those 
subject to laws, electoral promises and criminal decisions of the troika.

From the Anarchist Federation of Catalunya we do not ask for a vote for anyone, just want 
to ask struggle. Fight in the neighborhoods, in the towns fight, fight in the field, fight 
at work and at home, in schools struggle and fighting wherever there is injustice and 

Anarchist Federation de Catalunya, December 2015


[Leaflet distributed in the streets]

The recipe to get where you want

Local and nearby Solutions

We who know ourselves better we need or want. Again, us: you, me, your mother, your uncle, 
friend, co-worker and neighbor. Our recipe is neither new nor has any foreign ingredient 
is called fight and help. As when food is shared, as when we left our tools or someone 
threw a cable. We do not speak of any utopia, we talk about taking us into account. That's 
why our recipe is one in which we help when we have a problem; and this policy is always 
in the streets and not in parliaments. A neighbor who, like us, get up in the morning to 
work eight hours, which is to take care of your children, you have to go buy, we will 
understand much better than one who sits in parliament. Already the saying goes "whom much 
covers little squeeze." We do not believe that politicians can know for sure that is what 
happens in every place and therefore will decide how the streets where we live, but that 
unify the problems aside particular needs. We therefore believe that the politicians live 
off the streets, although initially participate in them, bureaucracy and power just 
changing prioritizing partisan interests. We do not understand why it works and diversions 
that nobody needs beyond the construction of turn are made.

Who better than us to know that
You need our street? Or our neighborhood?
Or our people?

Who better than us

Because this crisis is not just economic or political but also ecological and social, and 
therefore we can not let the solution is in the hands of anyone. If you you get involved, 
if you choose, if you act, your opinion will be worthless. But everything will be as 
before, let us say nothing or only every four years and half. So things are not as we 
would like to make. Do not let them decide for us! What's the use complaining, if we allow 
others to do and undo? How we reach independence or social justice if we leave it in the 
hands of the politicians ... what have you got?
It is not good or not political, or who may be corrupt, it is that we do not share the 
same interests. They want to win elections, and who do we want? A dignified and just life.

Who better to explain that you think or want? If you believe in the neighborhood square 
missing benches, or if there are places for children to play, and the neighbors feel the 
same as you, perhaps it's time to build and place the banks are needed and not wait that 
the city of fancy turn to do so. Recreate the spirit of neighborhood and village. Meet us 
and keep us in mind.
At the end of the day who better than us to cook us what we like.

With commitment and desire

Because it's nice to think that some day return to those days when the neighbor was asked 
a little salt, or rice, or helped us paint the house and the food was shared on Sunday. 
Retrieve the street as playground for children and tables and chairs to enjoy the fresh 
and chat. And with all this effort to regain the fight.

It is for this reason that we ask not vote for anyone, nor make any promise. Our political 
program is first and last about the fight. Fighting in the streets and in Can Vies, the 
struggle for housing as PAH, the labor struggle and Panrico or Movistar and the struggle 
for land oppose the transfer and Terres de l'Ebre or fracking. Because without them we 
can. Who better than doctors and patients to hospital funcionarun? Who better than 
teachers and students to know how to run a school? Who better than the people themselves 
to manage the land? Who better than you to know what you need? And who better than us to 
do? And where do all this? The fight has to be on the street, assemblies in every square, 
in school, the workplace and in hospitals; in cultural centers, community centers and 
cooperatives. Our strength depends only on us.

It's as simple as that stronger the more we have to make this world a better place.

Anarchist Federation de Catalunya, December 2015


Message: 5

Dear comrades, - On behalf of Anarchosyndicalist Initiative Rosinante would like to 
express our deepest pleasure to be here, at the 11th congress of the CNT. - We hope you 
will be able to take fruitful decisions and be as productive as possible. - We experience 
the world capitalist crisis of our time. - Everywhere in the world we see rights won by 
workers in the past at the cost of their blood to be suspended in a heartbeat. - Wages are 
falling rapidly, working conditions difficult year by year, new business models are 
introduced so that companies have flexibility towards their staff and higher margin. ---- 
In several countries the banks are taking or about to take, the houses of the world while 
the nationalist beast tries again to show his teeth. We should not fool ourselves, 
however. These are not signs of the times. The fundamental contradictions remain 
unchanged. The workers never ceased to be exploited and Member never ceased to oppress 
societies. They point identified something we already know. It is however also signs 
suggesting that we have to do drastic moves, because it seems that time posed changes, 
which have to shift in favor of the working class.

These and dozens of other reasons make us believe that it is now that we need to update 
the class struggle and promote international solidarity and cooperation. We also believe 
that in this endeavor the CNT as a necessary part of one has proven that it can be 
effective and on the other that can be a point of inspiration and influence for the global 
working class. The Rosinante is not a member of any international organization or 
coordination, but in his last conference - which was attended and the CNT - decided that 
with respect to international affairs will move in a direction as to unifying the 
organizations of workers and not disruptive. We believe in a return to the founding 
principles of anarcho-syndicalism in the spirit of the first decisions of the AIT. In this 
international effort the CNT should be an organic part and we hope that we will have the 
opportunity to cooperate and strengthen our ties with partners from all over Europe and 
the world.

Best wishes for a productive conference.

Long live the CNT!

Long live international class solidarity!

Hooray anarcho-syndicalism!


Message: 6

Stéphane was hired in September 2012 by a wholesale company in Agen MIN. He was to deliver 
customer orders, retail, restaurants, communities. He realizes immediately that tours 
requested by the employer well beyond the 35 hours for which it is paid. Thus, Stéphane 
undergoing regular days exceeding 12 hours, with at least three days a week, unable to 
take a break. Stéphane demand payment of hours, first orally, then, from the month of 
March 2013, in writing. The relationship with the employer degrade so quickly. During an 
accident in April, the employer refuses to send the Safely sheet of occupational 
accidents, and to pay him his wages for the month of May In June 2013, Stéphane sends to 
his employer a registered letter explaining that these facts "are grave breaches (their) 
obligations under the employment contract and by this, (the employer) acknowledges the 
breach of that contract working to (his) whole wrongs ".

When an employer signs a contract, he incurs obligations vis-à-vis the employee in 
particular it is committed to providing a work, the corresponding salary and working 
conditions comply with the legal rules governing the hygiene and Security. A serious 
breach by the employer of the obligation exposed to what is called an act of rupture 
outlet. This procedure, unknown, limited to sending a registered letter to the employer 
and, in parallel, to submit a file to the Labour Court to establish the violation by the 
employer of its obligations. The employment contract is immediately broken.

If the tribunal give due to the employee, the employer will be ordered to pay severance 
pay, as well as a notice and compensation for dismissal without real and serious cause. 
But if the tribunal felt that the employer has not committed gross negligence, the action 
taken will be reclassified as a resignation and the employee is liable to be required to 
indemnify the employer for breach of the notice. It is therefore necessary for the 
employee to have a concrete case.

This was the case for Stéphane. It had a part of the monthly hours sheets showing excess 
hours. He had letters of Safely showing that the employer had forwarded belatedly work 
stoppages. He could prove that the payment in May was done with a month and a half late. 
In its judgment the Labour Court stated that "the employee provides sufficiently precise 
information to be retained" and accordingly reclassified breaking the dismissal employment 
contract without just cause and ordered the employer to pay 10,000 euros net to the employee.


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