World El Salvador 30 years in jail for a still-birth?‏

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Suffering a still-birth is not a crime. Free Teodora del Carmen Vasquez.
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Teodora passed out during childbirth and suffered a still-birth. Salvadoran police presumed she killed the baby.

Convicted of "aggravated homicide," she has spent the last 8 years in prison.

This grieving woman has suffered long enough. Speak up with Amnesty to demand her release.
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Dear friends,

Teodora del Carmen Vasquez called emergency services when she started experiencing increasingly severe pain at work. She went into labor, and was unconscious when she gave birth in the bathroom of her workplace. When she regained consciousness, bleeding profusely, her baby was stillborn. Police at the scene arrested her.

Does this sound like a crime to you?

In El Salvador, an extreme abortion ban has created a culture of suspicion and criminalization of women - particularly poor women. It has created a climate of fear. Teodora was convicted in 2008 of "aggravated homicide" and sentenced to 30 years in prison. She has spent the last 8 years in jail. 

Reverse this terrible injustice.

Sign a petition to Salvadoran Minister of Justice Benito Antonio Lara Fernandez demanding the immediate release of Teodora del Carmen Vasquez.

In prison, Teodora is victimized. Prison guards pick on her for being a "child murderer."

Teodora doesn't deserve to spend another day in prison. Speak out with Amnesty to help free her now!

Teodora is one of 12 cases that will be featured during Amnesty's Write for Rights, the biggest human rights letter writing campaign of the year. 

You can join the call to free her right now. 

Stop injustice and discrimination against women like Teodora. Urge the authorities in El Salvador to free Teodora and all women imprisoned on pregnancy-related complication charges.

Your action today can change a life. Please respond today.

In solidarity,

Jasmine Heiss
Senior Campaigner, Individuals at Risk
Amnesty International USA
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