What I've Been Wearing On My Nails #27

Sinful Colors - Easy Going
I absolutely love this shade as it's slightly different to a regular white nail polish. It's got a slight pink pigmentation to it, making it such a pretty varnish to wear on your nails. I find I can wear almost anything with this & it stands out so beautifully. The only thing I will say about it is it takes ages to dry. It's one of those ones that you literally have to give yourself a couple of hours before doing anything..
2 True - Shade 15 & Barry M Nail Art Pen in White
Another favourite nail art of mine to do is pin stripes. I love adding them to a pastel colour, so there not too in your face. They looked so cute with this blue polish from 2 True, which is such a bargain brand! I absolutely love their nail polishes.
Primark - Marshmallow
This shade cost me 80p. Yes, 80p & it's such a lovely colour. I'm a sucker for pink nail varnishes as I'm sure you all know by now, but it'll be perfect for Spring time.
Nails Inc - Grosvenor Crescent
A new favourite of mine, this shade is simply stunning! If you picked up last month's Glamour magazine, you would have received one of four nail polishes, this being the one that instantly caught my eye. It's so beautiful & perfect for Autumn / Winter.
What have you been wearing on your nails this month? : )

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