Turkey, karakizilistanbul (red& black): Migrant Crisis: Open Wound Bleeding Continues

(en) Turkey, karakizilistanbul (red& black): Migrant Crisis:
Open Wound Bleeding Continues (tr) [machine translation]

Two months ago the basement sinking of boats carrying migrants off the coast of Greece, 
Ayla's Kurdish tingles the conscience of many people's death and the wider audience it is 
also in the agenda. Government circles in those days, after which they gave Soma massacre
"live quietly in your matemi" response of like showing ni, an event that is almost natural 
approaching staged fake grief rituals such disasters. ---- And nothing has changed. 
Because hunger, war, migration and death are in the disposition of this system. ---- What 
did the government over the past several months time since the Kurd's death? Greece to 
reach and there B blocked ATI to continue working migrants return to the Aegean Sea to the 
death of the alternative highway routes. Greece Esenler bus station themselves in water to 
run for the move will be allowed to use the bus Excludes "We will march to choke" when he 
had met the antebellum foot gendarmerie barricaded themselves.

The same way many times I have stayed with thousands of homeless people, particularly the 
Syrians were repeated mortal scenario, the large number of immigrants continued to make
life in the waters of the Aegean, it does.

Who managed to reach Europe experienced new challenges and suffering in every progress 
toward the West at this time. Greek island of Lesbos, on the border with Macedonia, coplin
the police and many more were exposed to the gas from Hungary and to be attacked, held
captive in the camps. Germany, bringing back the checkpoints on the border with Austria, 
is de facto suspended the Schengen agreement offers the freedom to travel between most
European countries. Although hundreds of thousands in number compared to the population 
and wealth of Europe, which will bring obvious that a heavy burden "others", believed to 
have been unable to enjoy the rights guaranteed by liberal democracy. As always, the 
default rights as provided in the bourgeois order, it evaporates as soon as it is most needed.

Nation-states are currently many people despite the tyranny of Europe, has developed a 
promising response against the influx of immigrants, was born ru from charity campaign and 
"Welcome immigrants" were acts. Immigrants and need to do to accommodate the tax they 
collect from the bourgeoisie to rehabilitate many European states, immigrants and so try 
to make a direct action by the visitors to their homes. Racism, xenophobia, these examples 
has been the honor of making contributions to the international working class.

On the other hand the right-wing politicians across Europe "legitimate refugees fleeing 
the war" and "illegitimate immigrants who migrate for economic reasons" as he tried so 
hard to create an artificial and divisive perception. Even more advanced foods rope, 
migrants "is actually doing well, but they want more," he greedy to have a western 
standard of living has accused him of acting! But the nation-state hierarchy of the 
functioning of the capitalist world order, of course, in some places the wealth of the 
world in the normal functioning, it will destroy the misery to another part of the 
imperialist contradictions, hunger and death from guns convert hot war l deaths it will 
interfere with each other. Nobody escapes without reason!

So, all in the face of this tragedy, the first migration wave caught unprepared against 
the capitalist states "solution" for doing what? The migration of the source, particularly 
do they take a step to end the intensified civil war in Syria? No, this war did flare up 
themselves and continue blazing requirement. They find solutions, all over the world to 
raise one side of the walls! Repressive state capitalism in the collapse of the Berlin 
Wall, the symbol boasted 90 "Free World" of new walls rising all around! US Mexico border, 
Israel's in Gaza, led by Bulgaria's border with Turkey, Serbia borders Hungary to the 
walls now, Turkey has started to build new walls added to the Syrian border!

People their lives every day to overcome people contraband walls and seas three are forced 
to deliver to merchants called heat. Great sinners of other obstacles as opportunities to 
turn this small sinners, inhuman immigrants with a travel hallmark of entrepreneurial 
capitalism "service" sells. This remaining bound to the coyote, they give life to the 
sinking of the boat every day from suffocation by drowning in the sea or truck chassis. 
Any ban on human freedom, capitalism creates a market in the same time.

60 in capitalist economies quickly the country with a guest worker program for taking 
labor shortage while lifting up a large number of Turkish leading workers in Germany 
Merkel's current prime minister, with the opposite concern in recent days, yet at the 
first stop of the Syrians immigration raids that Davutoglu to cut in Turkey He met with. 
Turkey spent $ 7 billion, claiming the government for immigrants, half of it from the 
German government , so he agreed to get 3.5 billion dollars in aid. This bribery, number 
around 2 million in Turkey, preferably to keep the Syrians in Turkey who want to continue 
to the west, Turkey is for use as an outpost of Europe. Moreover, it's almost the AKP 
government because Syria policy in the international arena, the issue of migrant 
disturbing Europe "to get things done here" in exchange for a series of Merkel open EU 
chapters received the promise had the opportunity to freshen up the worn image of the 
state and bad. Millions of Syrian immigrants, so it was used as a political card.

But their use is not limited at all by these diplomatic maneuvers of the Syrians. The 
majority live in miserable conditions in Turkey, begging, petty crime and poor Syrians 
pushed exposed to sexual exploitation, it has become a huge source of cheap labor for the
capitalists in Turkey. Minimum wage employees with much lower fees, no assurances have and 
extra non-profit status of these workers is, Turkey is a high probability that it makes 
sense compared to a net expenditure of the state for the capitalist class. Also do not 
think that the Western states, seeks to prevent the arrival of migrants in absolute terms. 
Blocking is only one side of the right-wing politics. It is located on the other side of a 
permeable wants more vigilant and harder fractions of the capitalist class. So "Why would 
they come they come illegally exploited undocumented and I am no rights without law" has 

Playing an aggressive role in the Middle East, the AKP, which has supported personally 
jihadist organization, further to avoid becoming migrants and also to take back that came 
"buffer zone" to build, so he wanted to make justifications for invading immigrants, but 
until now accept it He could not move.

Capitalist "hospitality" This is the real face of the financial and political 
exploitation. In Turkey, as in the West.

Tragedy is no longer in the thousands, is measured in the millions. Systemic instability 
capitalists, the working class will take their fate into the hands of a breakthrough 
gerçeklestirmedik will increase by at global level, the crisis will grow and harden. Of 
war, hunger, forced migration; where there is no need to migrate a death in the world 
capitalist war path is not possible. Being uncomfortable consequences of capitalism, 
capitalism needs to be disturbed. Capitalism surrender allegiance to the nation-state 
system, resulting in the world's dividing cells like a giant prison.

Yet we can imagine a different world, because our class has no country, and the abolition 
of borders, it is in the interests of our class objects. Capitalism has collapsed, the 
redistribution of wealth from the working world in a fair way, fraternization of a world 
where the existence of the bourgeoisie wanes laborers. People forced to migrate no longer
remains, the cultural diversity of migrants as bearers of the "problem" is not "blessing" 
is seen as a world. There are classes that borders, and raise my hands, let the world 
working class!

The whole earth is the homeland of the working people. The earth is a whole, indivisible!

Immigrants are welcome, here we already have!

Black Red Istanbul


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