John Mclaughlin, Ozy: The Geopolitical Rules You Didn't Know About Are Under Siege
In the post–Cold War era, geopolitics can sometimes seem like the Wild West. But despite all appearances, an order governs there. Or rather it has. Throughout modern history, most countries have accepted a few simple rules to ward off total chaos: laws and conventions around land, sea and the air. These rules are not sexy — maritime law isn’t exactly known to quicken the pulse — but they’re as vital to the international order as a score is to an orchestra.
But now, as we approach the 25th anniversary of the Soviet collapse, one of the most worrisome trends is that the “rules” we take for granted on land and sea and in the air are for the first time since then under simultaneous challenge on three continents. The challenges come from Russia, China and a host of non-state actors in the Middle East, which collectively are breaking internationally sanctioned “rules” of normal conduct — and thus adding another element of instability to today’s very chaotic world.
Why is this happening, where is it heading and what should the response be?
WNU Editor: John Mclaughlin focuses on China and Russia .... but the U.S. has not been helpful in "following the rules". U.S. support for the revolution that overthrew an elected President in Ukraine, the development and deployment of missile defense systems, the mess that it has helped create in the Middle East, Libya, an Asian pivot that aggressively focuses on China .... just to name a few. But what concerns me is that in the past there were always back-channels for all of the parties to discuss their differences and/or to defuse tensions. Today .... I just do not see these back-channels in play .... in fact .... we have a situation where no one is even talking to each other .... not even the minor diplomats whose role has always been to keep these "doors open"..
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» The Geopolitical Rules Are No Longer 'In Play'