Thanksgiving Day 2015 Mini Currents

I know this is out of character for me to do this. I am posting this the day after, but I thought it would a be a nice change to things. We had a really great Thanksgiving. We watched the parade. The whole family came over. We ate too much. We watched Christmas movies. It was a really good time.

More information about my currents and Mini Currents: Why CurrentsCurrents
And why I no longer do currents daily: Tea Time with Hunter Volume 5


Favorite Beauty Product:

Favorite Hair Product:

Marilyn Hair Treatment

Favorite Food of the Day: 

Chickfila Chicken nuggets (Do not judge me)

Favorite Song:

We Gather Together

Favorite Line from the book I'm reading:


Favorite Pin I Found on Pinterest or Favorite YouTube Video of the day:

Favorite thing taking place in the future:


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