Posted on November 19, 2015
Happy birthday to The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show!

On this date in 1959, Rocky & His Friends debuted; the show lasted almost five years. It's one of the few TV shows I remember from my early childhood!

One of the things I like about the humor of Rocky and Bullwinkle is that it sometimes gets self-referential. Here are two examples:
Rocky: Bullwinkle, I'm worried.
Bullwinkle: Ratings down in the show again?
Rocky: No.
Bullwinkle: That's odd.
Rocky: I'm worried because there have already been two attempts on your life.
Bullwinkle: Oh, don't worry. We will be renewed.
Rocky: I'm not talking about the Bullwinkle Show.
Bullwinkle: You had better; we could use the publicity.
Rocky: Bullwinkle, do you know what an A-Bomb is?
Bullwinkle: Sure, a bomb is what some people call our show.
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently.
I can think of no better way to celebrate than watching episodes! Hereis one – and from there you can link to many more!
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