Henrik Lundqvist Wants to Play For Another 7 Years, Was Initially Extremely Uncomfortable With His Mustache

Henrik Lundqvist: Hockey is not forever

The world's best hockey goalkeeper, New Yorker and a well-known shampoo-face. We have met the "King Henke" in the dressing room in his home arena Madison Square Garden in New York to talk fashion, grooming, and of course hockey.
Martin Hansson met Henrik Lundqvist, New York.

Henrik Lundqvist is one of the world's best hockey players, and the New York Rangers large poster name. At the side of the ice, the Swedish star profile as Head & Shoulders face and a number of other projects - mainly the fronts he lingerie Bread & Boxers he also is a partner in.

- I like to be inspired by different things besides hockey - although it obviously is number one. I always liked different projects whether it is fashion, restaurants or music. To deliver on the ice, I feel I have to do other things to relax. I can not go around thinking about hockey 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, says Henrik Lundqvist

What does a day in New York really like?

- In my free time, I try to spend as much time as I can with the family, pick up and drop at nursery school, meet friends, relax and at the same time focus on myself, says Henke and adds:

- The idea is that I will be 60 matches in order to be fresh for the playoffs so there will be a lot of training and time with the New York Rangers däremellan.NHL said to be the world's toughest hockey league - how psychologically stressful it is to play at such a high level?

- The mental part is incredibly important to me and a great deal that can determine if it goes well or not in a match. The skull steering incredibly much how you focus and handle the press. You have to try to relax and find balance.

So how do you upload before a game?

- When I eat pasta and meat sauce, I have done for nearly ten years so there is nothing to change. It's easy to get in, and it comes to eating plenty of food at lunch, when to play the match in the evening.

How do you see the future?

- Hockey is not forever, I have five years on my contract but I hope to be able to play six or seven years. It depends a lot on your body and if I can deliver.

Why are you doing all of the advertising project on the side?

- First, to get the opportunity to see other worlds and meet the people who are fun to work with. But also because I think it's funny. I get the chance to work and be involved in the well-known brands such as Head & Shoulders and now ICA advertising.

You are often seen in the fashion context - how much do you like clothes?

- I have not been trendy for years! But I run a lot on the costume that I really like working in. Then I drive jeans and suede jackets. I like Ralph Lauren suits and even Tiger of Sweden. But my style tip is to find oneself and running on what you like.

Grooming Routines - How much do you care about your appearance?

- I run a mustache now, the first day I was a bit scared when I looked at myself, extremely uncomfortable, but it is growing in the double sense, me and my brother supports the Movember challenge. When you have that role I have to do what you can, so I do charity stuff to influence what I canFeels like there has been more focus on health.

What is your relationship with Head & Shoulders out?

- It's been incredibly enjoyable, we've been at it for four years now and has recorded videos that I really been involved from the beginning in and decided layup. It is fun.

What are you most proud of in your career?

- A couple of things when I think back, of course, to win national guilders home, Olympic gold but also to get here to New York and then establish themselves. It has been my dream. It is when you achieve their dreams one feels satisfaction and constantly looking for the next step. My big dream is to win the Stanley Cup in New York.

How do you push yourself on from season to season?

- I think it's just as fun still and see all the time how other hockey players play. It is clear that measuring themselves against others. NHL is the best league in the world so it's important to keep up with progress. But it's all about having fun, both on the ice at the side of the ice and feel comfortable with this lifestyle.

What do you feel that you have sacrificed your career?

- When I was younger, between 15-19 when many younger were out partying, so I focused on training and getting better. There were many times I opted out of fun things because I put hockey in the first place. I am glad that I was so focused when I was younger. My goal was to get here.

Are you living your boyhood dream now?

- I think, I enjoy hockey and life on the side. I have been lucky that ended up here and they chose me. I am grateful that I got a chance.


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