(en) Greece, antikratika-strike: Summary calls for the strike
of November 12, 2015 by: Athos Simonetis
Athena ---- 1) Anarchist Meeting on Social and Class Emancipation ---- ALL IN GENERAL
STRIKE ON NOVEMBER 12 ---- Ten months after the advent of coalition Syriza-An.el. in
power, attack the state and capital continues unabated. The coalition, serving faithfully
and declaring allegiance to international and local bosses has assumed the continuation of
the attack this through the further implementation of earlier and new mnimoniakon laws.
Already cut pensions, increased VAT, renewed its ENFIA increases the retirement age,
selling off public wealth and the list is not endless. ---- Against the looting plus
conduct is unique mound may be the development of a mass movement all from below. All the
oppressed and exploited who will hope to mediation but it will take itself to defend the
interests of opposing openly the requirements of the rule. GSEE was forced to declare a
24-hour strike under pressure from unions, while supporting the same memorandum and having
prepared the urban block of YES can be considered as reflecting the working class.
The strike on November 12 is the first strike after the January elections and should
become a landmark recasting of the political, social and class forces that oppose the
requirements of state and capital. A new starting point that will start from the
realization that only the exploited can defend our interests, against the logic of the
award against the sold out trade union leaderships of GSEE calling a class truce and
higher priority to national unity, against reform on illusions and humanisation of the
system by traders hope. Armed with our solidarity and belief in the possibility of
overturning the system of exploitation and oppression.
We are organized and fighting anti-hierarchical, unwritten, adiamesolavita against the
state and capitalism.
The dilemma is whether absolute subjugation and misery or struggle for the social revolution.
Social and class counterattack
War in the war of the bosses
Strike Collection THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER 11am Museum
2) Student concentration-course
As anarchists / s pupils / behavior shows will intervene in student-concentration process
that has been called -in Athens City Hall at 10:00 on 12 Noemvri- from coordinating
struggle schools of Athens (S.A.S.A.) imposing and propagating our own features and
spearhead. We support trade union demands to be tabled because we see them as a breath of
freedom within the school-prison, but are opposed to the full and more comprehensive
reformist party instigated fight as until now it has been given. The student race will be
anarchists, aggressive and antiekpaideftikoi or immerse themselves in compromise and
negotiation. We invite / bis companions / our compas siding our blocks and contribute to
the fight.
anarchist student team "Antiekpaideftiki Attack"
3) Paper Paper Employees Association of Attica
The all-out attack on our needs and their rights continues. The memoranda and anti-labor
laws here. The work actually resembles slavery.
Our Association is still here, step syllogikopoiisis and organization and resistance tool.
The workers are here in difficult conditions we continue our struggles.
Sunday, November 8th, 11am
general Assembly
our offices (Lontou 6 Exarchia)
Thursday, November 12
We have a single reason not to strike [... the strike declared by the sold out bosses of GSEE]
We have 100,000 reasons to strike.
> Strike demonstration: 11am, Athens (Patissia)
4) Call of the Open People's Assembly of Peristeri for general strike on 12/11
Day / Time: 11/12/2015 at 11am.
Location: Athens / Stournari and Patissia
5) Calling a strike-course Networking Cooperative ventures Athens
6) Assembly anarchist-communists in the class counter-offensive against the EU
1) Call anarchist collectives
2) Association of Cooks Waiters and others working in the catering sector
November 12, 2015, another day of general strike proclaimed by the GSEE bosses. What,
though, about us as employees / workers, a general strike and even in the current
political climate, where any employment gains go walking?
To be more specific, we are experiencing a time left the state and capital management,
which in tandem with the bosses, like previous governments have vowed to further devalue
our labor force. The 3rd Memorandum and the passing of the prerequisite, throwing their
(minimum) wages, eliminate / reduce benefits and expand increasingly the retirement age
which does not catalyze. Unless, of course, to the circumvention of the pension system,
liberalization of redundancies and the abolition of the Sunday holiday, we face the threat
of eviction, increases in fares of public means, and the reappearance of 5efrou in
hospitals or / and the financial coverage of consumables to them. It is understood that
the data are even worse for the most underrated part of the working class, the
paranomopoiimenous-term immigrants s / he workers / behavior shows though if fleeing the
killings at the border, drowning the Aegean and confinement in concentration camps.
These will complement the puzzle holding live all these years in the food-tourism
industry. The uninsured and semi-uninsured labor rampant, despite pronouncements to fight,
our schedules are elasticized increasingly intensified and the work for the benefit and
sustainability of the business, especially on Sundays when the market is open. Of course
it is worth mentioning that security measures are non-existent, resulting in ever
increasing "accidents" that is nothing but murder employer. Recent examples are the death
at work for a distributor in fast food "Ôhe Big Bad Wolf" in Athens, after a car crash,
and a maid at the hotel "Luis Zante Hotel" in Zante, due to exhaustion from excessive work
without days off. All this under the threats of the bosses, which reach up to invite
henchmen and beating workers to discipline us.
In attack we accept small and big bosses, we can only respond with class solidarity. Only
when we realize that our strength can only be collective, overcoming divisions by post,
sex and origin. The games that have been given to food supply and elsewhere shows that,
faced in organizing from below, bosses cease to be or seem unbeatable and workers recover
lost ground and realize the importance of their position in the capitalist system.
The day the strike is for us an opportunity to find ourselves on the road together with
our colleagues, share experiences and experiences and to better organize our resistance
against the plundering of our lives. We want to reinvigorate the strike its true meaning,
that blocking the production process. We stand against the bureaucratic trade union (GSEE,
ADEDY, PAME), considering that the labor struggles and employee claims are the work
themselves rather than their supposed representatives, who most often simply contribute to
assimilation and expansion of these struggles.
Within this context, we have chosen to participate in the Association of Cooks Waiters and
other workers in the catering industry. The association is based association. This means
that it works with regular general meetings, which are recognized as the only
decision-making body and involving all equally and away from the logic of the assignment.
It is open to all employees in the sector, except of course bosses, supervisors, fascists
and those who try to draw votes or capital gains for their party shop.
RESISTANCE bullying bosses,
Self-organization in all workplaces,
Solidarity between workers.
Association of Cooks Waiters Thessaloniki (and other workers in the catering industry)
Today, after so many months SYRIZA government-ANEL, there should be no one who has no
illusions about the role and this government is called upon to perform. By signing the
Memorandum third last summer we all understood that renewed the terms of our social and
economic exhaustion, which is now clear that it has no horizon.
And now what; It is the time of frustration, now we see that no one promises us a way out
of the gloom? The "hope" that harbored those who entrusted him with the change of
government withdrawal from the social crisis dashed with a big splash. Fortunately. Now is
the time to understand the employees and workers that nothing will be poured us alone with
our struggles we can maintain our achievements and to demand what belongs to us. We need
to stop trusting the parties, Sold bosses GSEE, the "good will" employers. To take things
into our own hands, organized from below, with colleagues at work, and ready to give tough
and decisive battles of the conditions of our lives.
Such a struggle must be the strike on November 12. We must not let the professionals sold
out union GSEE to transform it into a harmless Panigiraki leaving indifferent the great
mass of workers. With another insurance bill in the making, such that substantially
dissolves the concept of social security as a social right, increasing age limits,
indifferent to vulnerable groups, reduce pensions, eliminating any state participation in
the cost of insurance, the State looting for years the pension funds, is necessary for
all, and all employees and workers to strike, to go down the road to meet our colleagues,
to organize collectively, now that we all know now that no one will fight for us, nobody
will "negotiate" for our work, for our wage for our stamps, on our right to Sunday holiday
and leisure.
Employees and workers are the ones who can give meaning to this strike, to do another time
by the daily struggle to mounting an effective general strike lasting all workers will
overthrow the world of exploitation, to build a society of justice and freedom, without
bosses and misery, without capitalism and state power.
4) Libertarian Social Space - School
Kill hope.
To bring life to the ACT.
The ESC School participates descends to strike rally on 12/11. Time 10am Kamara.
1) Initiative anarchist / anti-authoritarian-mation by the anarchist-antiauthoritarian
haunt naughty
We are at a juncture, the coalition SY.RIZ.A. - AN.EL. Having now fully bound to the
chariot of the EU continues and intensifies the overall attack on the bottom of society
and rights won through class struggles in previous years. Signing the third memorandum,
consents and implement measures such as the speeding up of privatization, restructuring -
dissolution of the insurance system, the conversion of collective agreements in individual
between bosses and workers (with obvious favorites first), support of banks which now will
be able to overcome any restrictions were in relation to the auctions and other such
measures that will continue to fully leveling the lives of millions.
Specifically, the previous period, marked by the hope that cultivated SY.RIZ.A. in large
parts of the society, on higher trading within the EU and restore hard measures (eg
abolition of ENFIA). The positions of the coalition, for tearing memoranda and complaints
about unacceptable and shameful debt, now belong to history and in their place came
acceptance of rhetoric on one-way streets of capitalist development and -in therefore-
full adoption of neoliberal policies R. E and of international capital. This was expected,
as the belief SY.RIZ.A. exercise social democratic policies in today crashed on the
neoliberal phase has passed today capitalism, leaving forever behind this model of state
intervention in the economy and the benefits that gave the state to the bottom of society
in order to distracts consensus and be powered by the capitalists through consumerism. The
promise of "return in times like these, in connection with the fight against corruption,
streamline public administration and promises to repair the injustices done by previous
governments in the years of the Memorandum", led much of people the previous period They
were on the streets and in assemblies, entrust their hopes to the looming election victory
Today, we are experiencing an even tragic condition. After the first phase of the
coalition and hub referendum where concentrated and assimilated to this whole social
dynamics against the capitalist offensive, people who believed in this type of change, was
hovering overnight. It is the condition of the lesser of two evils that comes in the wake
of the collapse of big expectations to new system administrators.
Having disproved in a short time the hopes for government solutions to understandings,
labor, economy, etc., and having a large part of the lower cut off for nearly two years of
racing procedures, by road and by assemblies that characterized intense first mnimoniaka
years, now comes the sense of fear, defense and full submission. The logic that we must
break foundations to recaptured thread of struggles and collective processes that can
really bring hope not metaphysical but real, confrontational, militant terms and to lay
the foundations for dikes against the capitalist onslaught and for the overall question
and break with the EU and the capitalist system. Tranos example capacity, unmediated and
points victorious struggle that unfolded as an exception in this whole Treaty of
kinematics settling around this time of coalition SY.RIZ.A. - AN.EL, was the fight of
detained activists and solidarity movement against prisons type C in koukoulonomo, the
terror law, the definition of dna download and use and release of trauma patient Sava Dry.
That struggle has shown that the only way to win things sovereignty in favor of the
oppressed, is that of a fighter and akidemoneftou social and class struggle. Also, bare
once and for a key role of the State and of every shade managers. This repression and
attack on radical social pieces of complete continuity in view of the emergency state. By
contrast, in areas that the movement retreated believing in a "better governance" or
assimilated by SY.RIZ.A, the attack by the more intensified, which we see happening in
northeast Chalkidiki with gold mines and the counterattack which have gone against the
struggling workers-residents of Bobola minions. Similarly, work middle ages intensified
with the millions of unemployed and uninsured, has not found yet a movement on the road
that will defend the interests of a continuous and dynamic way.
And now, after a long abstinence from the streets, sold out the bureaucracy of GSEE, which
talks and agrees with the bosses in uprooting every class / social acquis that is left and
which openly supported the yes in the referendum, announced a 24-hour strike on November
12. The strike is an opportunity to come out the world on the road most massively after a
period bewildered watched the Armageddon of measures affecting his own life. Nevertheless,
it holds no illusion as to the fact that such strikes (24h), acting as decompression valve
for the oppressed and do not put contents for continuation and intensification of the
struggle. The contents and duration should be placed by those who actually experience the
misery and not by bureaucrats of the trade unions who have every reason to fear anything
no control, as they have to lose everything in contrast to the more and more violent
proletariopoiimenous people experienced in their own skin all the barbarism of capitalism.
As anarchists, we believe that hope is on the way of unmediated and combative social and
class struggle and not to the assignment of our lives to rescuers. It is historically
proven that many times from the bottom of society won things from domination, it was on
the road and not the polls. Even if the referendum despite the coalition SY.RIZ.A
psefdodillima - AN.EL which had already agreed to the central themes of the conditions of
slaughter impoverished with European and international institutions, it should not be
dynamically expressed in the streets in neighborhoods, in assemblies, in order to oblige
the rulers. For our part, we will continue to fight for the destruction of the state and
capital. Along with those left over for capitalists and pushed either into unemployment in
psychiatric drugs and suicide or migrants who die daily in the territories of the West and
those who survive are cog in the capitalist machine which squeezes them to increase
profitability. Along with the prisoners fighters who put their bodies in front and they
fight with all means this system which leads in prisons as an internal enemy and
terrorists. Along with those fighting for land and freedom against the voracious appetites
of the capitalists in the name of development does not count people and nature. Finally,
along with all those who struggle-s adiamesolavita and down with dignity and lay the
foundations for the social revolution and the advent of a society with equality and freedom.
RESISTANCE - self-organization - SOLIDARITY
Initiative anarchist / anti-authoritarian-mation by the anarchist-antiauthoritarian haunt
naughty (Astingos 100 & Kanakari Rufus)
2) anarchists Meeting on social and class counter attack
AGAINST STATE AND capitalist barbarity
Organize social and class fightback
Over the last 5 years probably experiencing the worst crisis in the history of capitalism.
A deep systemic crisis, where state capital are in a constant process of restructuring in
an effort to perpetuate their existence, having intensified the attack against the society
by imposing ever more onerous conditions of exploitation and oppression. Main features of
the attack of sovereignty are the ftochopoiisi and impoverishment of ever larger sections
of society, with their exclusion from basic social goods such as housing, education and
health, the destruction and looting of the natural world in the name of development and
gagging, the brutal repression and terrorizing those who fight and resist, by building and
consolidating a permanent emergency status and the imposition of a condition of modern
At the same time, in less than a year, revealed the true anti-social face of social
democracy and the delusion and illusion completely collapsed on a better, just and
alternative management of the political and economic system in the context of capitalism,
since not only was the continuation austerity and attack programs already in the affected
social basis, but is now a fact and the promotion of new antisocial measures and reforms
in the form of third memorandum signed by the coalition SYRIZA - AN.EL. A coalition fully
in line with the political requirements of the European Union, a supranational chain
states which aims both to bleeding and the subjugation of societies within and also to
impose the domination of the world by the yardstick always exypirtisi the interests of
powerful political and economic elite. Moreover, regardless of the current neo-liberal or
social democratic political management of power, it is now clearer than ever that the
State, by any form or by any guise, and the chapter will give birth and will always
perpetuate brutality, oppression and exploitation.
The adoption of the 3rd Memorandum of prerequisites and the implementing laws that go with
it, are a new round of looting towards society in terms of more cumbersome and harder than
before. The further deterioration of the health system, the dissolution of the educational
system, even greater contraction of wages and pensions, new taxes, privatization of
social, cultural and natural goods and auctioning primary residence, are just a few of the
measures to be implemented and will lead to even greater poverty and misery already tested
lower social strata.
Within this context called the strike on November 12, the sold out GSEE, which after a
long period of inactivity, as we have also used the years of memoranda, attempts under the
pretext of reaction to the new measures work again as a relief valve of social anger by
launching, 24, fragmented and ineffective protests, helping to defuse the race, kinematics
recession and defeatism, and subsequently serve its sovereign interests. It's the same
GSEE, which was one of the most fervent forces that backed the "Yes" in the summer
referendum. It is the same trade union bureaucracy to make it back in time all claims of
the working class and converses with the state and capital, which has been and will be a
timeless faithful lackey acting as a crutch.
Now it is understood that from the bottom of society, can no longer have any confidence
and can not expect anything from all sorts of aspiring managers and facilitators of social
rage. The same workers, the unemployed, youth, native and immigrant, knowing their actual
needs, must take their lives into their own hands, organize and fight collectively
self-organized and adiamesolavita in any society and the workplace, in schools and
colleges, workplaces, neighborhoods and streets, away from any partisan and union
influence which inevitably leads to the weakening and degeneration of the social and class
Because the only way for the abolition of exploitation and oppression are self-organized,
unmediated, akidemoneftoi social and class struggles, the overall rupture and overthrow
the state and capitalism.
Because the only way, to build a world of freedom, equality and justice is social revolution.
anarchist meeting on social and class counter attack
Thursday, November 12, 2015, 10am
preselection, Volos Mail, Demetrias 209
Employed, Unemployed, Pupils, Students: to organize a march against the state, employers
and trade union bureaucracy.
o The slaughter of insurance & pension rights
o the destruction of labor rights
o The privatization of public property
o The unemployment, poverty, the forolisteia
Single Race, class, from below, with meetings and organize themselves against the EU
bosses and local administrators.
Forward General Political Strike Season
Initiative Center for Independent Workers Struggle (Magnesia)
ERC Ioannina
Concentration - course in Labour Centre Ioannina at 10:30
Calling in an event-discussion & strike path, Anarchist Group Cumulonimbus Labour Corfu
Center, Samara 6