Corrie fans: The Next Generation

I know that you'll all agree, that us Coronation Street fans are an extremely loyal and dedicated group of people that show a great deal of passion and ambition for this humble, gritty television programme. We're all like a big family - spread across the world and of all ages.

I've always watched Corrie, ever since I can remember. Those classic 90s end credits are even playing in the TV in the background of one of my baby videos. This is the episode that aired on the day I was born, and watching it back, there's an awful lot of things that have changed. Notably, it's jam-packed with classic characters from the Duckworth's to Janice Battersby - and that made me think about how much heritage has been lost in the past sixteen years.

Vera and her big-kid Jack were a crucial part of Corrie 
If you've been on the Corrie Tour (book your tickets quick if you haven't!), you'll know that Jack and Vera Duckworth, Gary and Judy Mallett and Richard Hillman are all mentioned along the guided tour. When I was there earlier this year, I saw a group of school kids on their Summer trip, and it made me think about how many of those kids would actually remember or know of those legendary characters, and which of those kids (if any) knew how long Coronation Street had been on telly for.

The cobbles nowadays are very youth populated, and it's sad to see the attention focusing away from the vast history of the show. Nick and Carla are no Jack and Vera (I'm yet to even be convinced that they even show affection for eachother) and my biggest hatred at the moment is the use of their collective name Narla. It's used mainly by thirteen year olds on Instagram who think that the show began with Liam Connor's death - though I have seen the official Corrie accounts writing it now and again. Ack.

I love the fact that Coronation Street has a lot of young fans, but my biggest hope is that they begin to respect the brilliant past times the show has had. Believe it or not, there was life before that tram crash...I hope you'll agree.

You can follow me on Twitter if you so wish to: @MichaelAdamsUk. There's not a mention of Narla anywhere. 

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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