** Some examples of his publications:
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Ecology articles that rank 1st – 2nd among papers of a similar age in the journals where they were published. Environmental science, water, protection of environment; ranking method: Altmetrics DATASET · JANUARY 2015; AUTHOR: Sergei A. Ostroumov; Lomonosov Moscow State University; 559 PUBLICATIONS 1,369 CITATIONS; SEE PROFILE; Retrieved on: 14 October 2015; Ecology, top publications / articles, they rank 1st – 2nd among other papers of a similar age in the journals where they were published. Ecology, water ecology, protection of environment, and other key words. These publications are among top papers on environmental sciences, according to altmetric score.
2015.01.22. Ökologie, Top-Artikel, sind sie eine erste bis dritte unter anderem Papiere ähnlichen Alters in den Zeitschriften, wo sie veröffentlicht wurden. Ökologie, Gewässerökologie, Umweltschutz und andere Schlüsselwörter. 2015/01/22. Ecologia, articoli al top, hanno rango prime-terzo tra gli altri documenti della stessa età nelle riviste in cui sono stati pubblicati. Ecologia, ecologia acqua, la tutela dell'ambiente, e altre parole chiave. 2015年1月22日。エコロジーは、トップ記事は、彼らが第一ランク - 第三に、彼らが出版された雑誌に 同年齢の他の論文の中で。エコロジー、水生態学、環境保護、およびその他のキーワード。 Ecologia, melhores publicações / artigos, eles classificam primeiro-terceira entre outros trabalhos da mesma idade nas revistas onde foram publicados. Ecologia, ecologia da água, proteção do meio ambiente, 生态,顶级刊物/文章,他们的排名1日 - 3日之间的年龄相仿在他们出版的期刊的其他文件。生态环境,水 生态,保护环境, Ekologie, top publikasies / artikels, hulle rang 1ste - 3de onder ander vraestelle van 'n soortgelyke ouderdom in die joernale waar hulle is gepubliseer. Ekologie, water ekologie, beskerming van die omgewing,
** Article entitled: Ecosystems Article title | On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems |
Published in | Russian Journal of Ecology; |
DOI | 10.1007/s11184-005-0095-x; |
---| It ranks 1st, compared to all articles in Russian Journal of Ecology; [The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 22nd January 2015]. ** Article entitled: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders It ranks 1st among other articles of a similar age in Hydrobiologia; Article title | Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders |
Published in | Hydrobiologia, July 2005 |
DOI | 10.1007/s10750-004-1875-1 |
Ran ks Ran ks 1s t : [Note from experts who calculated altmetric scores]: We're able to compare this article to articles from the same journal and published within six weeks on either side of this one. This article has done very well. (The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 12th January 2015)
** Article entitled: Inhibition of Mussel Suspension Feeding by Surfactants of Three Classes. Hydrobiologia; 2006, Volume 556, Issue 1, pp 381-386;; It ranks 1st among other articles of a similar age in Hydrobiologia; Article title | Inhibition of Mussel Suspension Feeding by Surfactants of Three Classes |
Published in | Hydrobiologia, February 2006 |
DOI | 10.1007/s10750-005-1200-7 |
---| : Experts were able to compare this article to articles from the same journal and published within six weeks on either side of this one. This article has done very well.
** Article entitled: Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves; Ranks 1st (The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 18th January 2015) It ranks 1st among other articles of a similar age in Hydrobiologia;Article title | Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves |
Published in | Hydrobiologia, June 2003 |
DOI | 10.1023/a:1024604904065 |
---| ; : We're able to compare this article to articles from the same journal and published within six weeks on either side of this one. This article has done very well, scoring higher than 96% of its contemporaries. (The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 18th January 2015) Ranks 1st
** Article entitled: On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators; ; It ranks 1st when compared to all articles in Contemporary Problems of Ecology; Altmetric has tracked articles from this journal. The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 15th January 2015; Ranks 1st
** Article entitled: On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self- Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems; ; It ranks 1st compared to all articles in Russian Journal of Ecology; Altmetric has tracked a number of articles from this journal. The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 22nd January 2015;
** Article entitled: Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects 344026176 ; It ranks 1st compared to all articles in Doklady Biological Sciences Ranks 1st Ran ks 1s t The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 12th January 2015; So far Altmetric has tracked a number of articles from this journal. It's actually the highest scoring article in this journal that we've seen so far.
** Article entitled: Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential ; DOI 10.1134/S0012496609050159; It ranks 2nd compared to all articles in Doklady Biological Sciences (The paper that ranks 1st in this journal is authored by the same researcher); The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 10th January 2015; So far Altmetric has tracked a number of articles from this journal. It's actually the Ran ks 2n d 2nd highest scoring article in this journal that we've seen so far.
** Article entitled: Effect of a Cationic Amphiphilic Compound on Rotifers 7 ; DOI 10.1023/A:1024417903077; It ranks 2nd compared to all articles in Doklady Biological Sciences (The paper that ranks 1st in this journal is authored by the same researcher);
The context was calculated when this article was last mentioned on 11th January 2015 So far Altmetric has tracked a number of articles from this journal. It's actually the 2nd highest scoring article in this journal that we've seen so far.
** Key words extended list in various languages: environmental sciences, new facts, new ideas, new concepts, theory, multifunctional, role, biological, community, ecosystem service, ecosystem health, biota, improving, water quality, self-purification, aquatic ecosystems, sources of energy, mechanisms of water self-purification, functional blocks, reliability, man-made impacts, pollution, environment, protection, pollutants, surfactants, detergents, filtration activity, marine, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, Ran ks 2n d bivalve, mollusks, mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, oysters, Crassostrea gigas, environmental safety, sustainable use, aquatic resources, sustainability, aquaculture, aqua-farming, protection of environment, top publications, pollution control, environmental safety, water, limnology, freshwater, marine, ecology, environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology, Moscow State University, hazard assessment, bioassays, ** Italian: scienze ambientali, fatti nuovi, nuove idee, nuovi concetti, teoria, polifunzionale, multifunzionale, ruolo, biologici, comunità, servizio ecosistema, la salute dell'ecosistema, biota, migliorando, la qualità dell'acqua, auto-purificazione, gli ecosistemi acquatici, le fonti di energia, meccanismi di auto-purificazione dell'acqua, blocchi funzionali, affidabilità, Man- fatta impatti, inquinamento, ambiente, protezione, inquinanti, tensioattivi, detergenti, l'attività di filtrazione, marine, filtratori, alimentatori sospensione, bivalve, molluschi, cozze, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, ostriche, Crassostrea gigas, sicurezza ambientale, uso sostenibile, risorse acquatiche, la sostenibilità, l'acquacoltura, aquaagricoltura, la protezione dell'ambiente, top pubblicazioni, controllo dell'inquinamento, sicurezza ambientale, acqua, limnologia, acqua dolce, marina, ecologia, tossicologia ambientale, ecotossicologia, Moscow State University, la valutazione dei rischi, test biologici, ** French: sciences de l'environnement, des faits nouveaux, de nouvelles idées, de nouveaux concepts, théorie, polyfonctionnel, multifonctionnel, le rôle, biologiques, de la communauté, le service de l'écosystème, la santé des écosystèmes, le biote, l'amélioration, la qualité de l'eau, la purification de soi, les écosystèmes aquatiques, les mécanismes d'eau auto-épuration, la fiabilité, les impacts de l'homme, la pollution, l'environnement, la protection, les polluants, les tensioactifs, détergents, l'activité de filtration, de la marine, filtreurs, suspensivores, bivalves, mollusques, moules, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, huîtres, Crassostrea gigas, sécurité de l'environnement, l'utilisation durable des ressources aquatiques, la durabilité, l'aquaculture, aqua-agriculture, la protection de l'environnement, les meilleurs publications, contrôle de la pollution, la sécurité de l'environnement, de l'eau, limnologie, eau douce, écologie, toxicologie environnementale, écotoxicologie, Université d'Etat de Moscou, l'évaluation des risques, les essais biologiques, ** Russian: науки об окружающей среде, новые факты, новые идеи, новые концепции, Теория, полифункциональная, многофункциональная, роль, биологические, сообщество, экосистемные услуги, здоровье экосистемы, биота, улучшение, качество воды, самоочищение воды, водные, экосистемы, механизмы самоочищения воды, надежность, антропогенное воздействие, антропогенные, загрязнения , окружающая среда, охрана среды, загрязняющие вещества, синтетические поверхностно-активные вещества, ПАВ, моющие средства, детергенты, фильтрационная активность, морские, фильтраторы, двустворчатые, моллюски, мидии, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus, устрицы, Crassostrea Gigas, экологическая безопасность, устойчивое использование, водные ресурсы , устойчивость, аквакультура, охрана окружающей среды, борьба с загрязнением среды, экологическая безопасность, вода, лимнология, пресная вода, экология, токсикология окружающей среды, экотоксикология, Московский государственный университет, МГУ, оценка опасности, биотестирование, ** German: Umweltwissenschaften, neue Fakten, neue Ideen, neue Konzepte, Theorie, multifunktionelle, multifunktional, Rolle, biologische, Gemeinde, Ökosystemdienstleistungen, Gesundheit von Ökosystemen, Flora und Fauna, die Verbesserung der Wasserqualität, Selbstreinigung, aquatische Ökosysteme Mechanismen der Wasserselbstreinigung, Zuverlässigkeit, menschlicher Einflüsse, Verschmutzung, Umwelt, Schutz, Schadstoffe, Tensiden, Reinigungsmittel, Filtration Aktivität, Marine, Filtrierer, Filtrierer, Muscheln, Weichtiere, Muscheln, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, Austern Crassostrea gigas, Umweltsicherheit, nachhaltige Nutzung, aquatischen Ressourcen, Nachhaltigkeit, Aquakultur, aqua-Landwirtschaft, Umweltschutz, oben Publikationen, Umweltschutz, Umweltschutz, Wasser, Limnologie, Süßwasser, Ökologie, Umwelt- Toxikologie, Ökotoxikologie, Moscow State University, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, Bioassays, ** Spanish: ciencias ambientales, nuevos hechos, nuevas ideas, nuevos conceptos, teoría, polifuncional, multifuncional, papel, biológicos, comunidad, servicios de los ecosistemas, la salud del ecosistema, biota, la mejora de la calidad del agua, la auto-purificación, acuáticos, los ecosistemas, los mecanismos de autopurificación del agua, la fiabilidad, el impacto por el hombre, antropogénico, la contaminación , medio ambiente, protección, contaminantes, sintético, surfactantes, detergentes, la actividad de filtración, marinos, filtradores, los alimentadores de la suspensión, bivalvos, moluscos, mejillones, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, ostras, Crassostrea gigas, seguridad ambiental, el uso sostenible de los recursos acuáticos , la sostenibilidad, la acuicultura, aquaagricultura, la protección del medio ambiente, las principales publicaciones, control de la contaminación, la seguridad ambiental, agua, limnología, de agua dulce, la ecología, la toxicología ambiental, ecotoxicología, la Universidad Estatal de Moscú, la evaluación de riesgos, bioensayos, ** Japanese: 環境科学、新しい事実、新しいアイデ ア、新しいコンセプト、 理論、多官能性、多機能、役割、生物 学的、社会、生態系サービス、生態系 の健全性、生物相、改善、水質、自浄 、水界生態系、水の自浄性、信頼性、 人工の影響、汚染、環境のメカニズム 、保護、汚染物質、界面活性剤、洗剤 、ろ過·アクティビティ、マリン、フ ィルターフィーダー、サスペンション フィーダ、二枚貝、軟体動物、ムール 貝、イガイgalloprovincialis、イガイマ テバシイ、カキ、マガキマガキ、環境 安全性、持続可能な利用、水産資源、 持続可能性、水産養殖、アクア農業、 環境、トップの出版物、公害防止、環 境安全性、水、陸水、淡水、エコロジ ー、環境毒性学、生態毒性、モスクワ 大学、有害性評価、バイオアッセイの 保護、 ** Chinese: 環境科學,新事實,新的思想,新的觀 念, 理論上,多功能,多功能,作用,生物 ,社會,生態服務,生態系統健康,生 物,改善水質,自淨,水生生態系統, 水體自淨,可靠性,人為影響,污染環 境的機制,保護,污染物,表面活性劑 ,洗滌劑,過濾活動,海洋,濾食性, 懸掛饋線,雙殼類,軟體動物,貽貝, 紫貽貝,貽貝,牡蠣,太平洋牡蠣,環 境安全,可持續利用,水生生物資源, 可持續發展,水產養殖,水產養殖,保 護環境,一流的出版物,污染控制,環 境安全,水,湖沼學,淡水,生態學, 環境毒理學,生態毒理學,莫斯科國立 大學,危險性評估,生物測定, ** 环境科学,新事实,新的思想,新的观 念, 理论上,多功能,多功能,作用,生物 ,社会,生态服务,生态系统健康,生 物,改善水质,自净,水生生态系统, 水体自净,可靠性,人为影响,污染环 境的机制,保护,污染物,表面活性剂 ,洗涤剂,过滤活动,海洋,滤食性, 悬挂馈线,双壳类,软体动物,贻贝, 紫贻贝,贻贝,牡蛎,太平洋牡蛎,环 境安全,可持续利用,水生生物资源, 可持续发展,水产养殖,水产养殖,保 护环境,一流的出版物,污染控制,环 境安全,水,湖沼学,淡水,生态学, 环境毒理学,生态毒理学,莫斯科国立 大学,危险性评估,生物测定, ** Portuguese: ciências ambientais, novos fatos, novas idéias, novos conceitos, teoria, polifuncional, multifuncional, papel, biológicas, da comunidade, dos serviços de ecossistemas, a saúde do ecossistema, biota, melhorando a qualidade da água, auto-purificação, os ecossistemas aquáticos, os mecanismos de auto-purificação de água, confiabilidade, os impactos causados pelo homem, poluição, meio ambiente, proteção, poluentes, surfactantes, detergentes, atividade de filtragem, marinho, filtradores, alimentadores de suspensão, bivalve, moluscos, mexilhões, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, ostras, Crassostrea gigas, segurança ambiental, uso sustentável dos recursos aquáticos, sustentabilidade, aquicultura, aquaagricultura, protecção do ambiente, melhores publicações, controle de poluição, segurança ambiental, água, limnologia, de água doce, ecologia, toxicologia ambiental, ecotoxicologia, Universidade Estadual de Moscou, avaliação de risco, bioensaios, ** Afrikaans: omgewing wetenskap, nuwe feite, nuwe idees, nuwe konsepte, teorie, polifunksionele, multifunksionele, rol, biologiese, gemeenskap, ekosisteem diens, gesondheid van die ekosisteem, biota, die verbetering van gehalte water, self-suiwering, akwatiese ekosisteme, meganismes van water self-suiwering, betroubaarheid, mensgemaakte invloede, besoedeling, omgewing, beskerming, besoedeling, oppervlak, skoonmaakmiddels, filtrasie aktiwiteit, mariene, filter-feeders, opskorting feeders, tweekleppige, molluske, mossels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, oesters, Crassostrea gigas, omgewing, veiligheid, volhoubare gebruik, akwatiese hulpbronne, volhoubaarheid, akwakultuur, aqua-boerdery, beskerming van die omgewing, top publikasies, besoedelingsbeheer, omgewing, veiligheid, water, limnologie, varswater, ekologie, omgewingstoksikologie, ekotoksikologie, Moskou Staat Universiteit, gevaar assessering, bioassays, **
Titles of papers that are available online, ResearchGate, in English and in Russian. Selected. 4-page list. Research results in environmental science, ecology, protection of environment, ecotoxicology, biology, The publications authored, co-authored by Moscow University researchers including Dr. Sergei Ostroumov, a Fulbright Award recipient. This 4-page list of titles is a part of a larger list of bibliography, namely:
** **
** …
** This list of titles is a part of a larger list of bibliography, namely:
Key words: Top, influencer, university, Eurasia, Environmental, science, water, protection, environment, most, read, downloaded, researcher, Moscow University, S.Ostroumov |