Iura Orientalia: Rassegna Scientifica on-line sui Diritti Orientali Antichi e Moderni
ISSN 1828-1788
Iura Orientalia is a scientific project born 10 years ago inside the Faculty of Oriental Canon Law of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, but it has its own life. Iura Orientalia is a scientific on-line series (one e.volume per year) concerning the Ancient and Modern Oriental Laws.
We hope that Iur. Or. could become a "service" for the scientific community and in particular for all the scholars and the students who are investiganting the Orient".
Therefore the access to Iura Orientalia is completely free and it is necessary only to get "adobe reader" for reading the e.volumes.
Iura Orientalia and the content of each e.volume
Iur. Or. is divided into the following "sections" of scientific interest:
Section I - Ancient Oriental Laws
Section II - Byzantine Law
Section III - Oriental Canon Law
Section IV - Islamic Law
Section V - Modern Oriental Laws
Sectio VI - Varia (i.e. chronicles, obituaries, etc.).
Section VII - Book-reviews
2014 (e.vol. X)
2012 (e.vol. VIII)
2011 (e.vol. VII)
2010 (e.vol. VI)
2008 (e.vol. IV)
2007 (e.vol. III)
2006 (e.vol. II)
2005 (e.vol. I)
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies