White Dog and the rest of the Army hustled in, gobbled down their pre-bedtime cookies and hurried to get good spots to view the television in the bedroom. It was family movie night! The choice was a favorite of YoYoMa's, Iron Will. It is a story of a young man and his mother struggling to save their farm from financial ruin. When options run out, he registers for a marathon dogsled race, which touts a prize of $10,000, but he is nearly barred from the race because he is too young. Things turn in his favor and soon Will is off hoping to save his father's legacy.
Zsofia was as excited as her brother...ALL her brothers, in fact. Bella thought the white lead dog was very handsome. Puff wanted to know if they ever let nice little old ladies ride on the sled. Nilla was waiting for the popcorn...
...which soon appeared, fresh from the popper and sprinkled with a bit of Parmesan (the way Steve likes it). The White Dog Army shared his huge bowl while Ferguson and I enjoyed the old-fashioned buttery kind.
White Dog, through the crunch of corm being munched, reminded Steve that this was like the old days when I was taking classes and the two of them would enjoy Action Movie Afternoons lying on the bed together in the middle of the day.
"Shush," she was quieted by Yo, "this is the part where..." "DON'T TELL US!" pleaded Zso and Benson, "we haven't seen the movie a million times like you have."
By the end all of the White Dog Army had crept so close to the screen I had to sit taller on the pillows just to see. I loved watching them react to the sounds and the movement as much as I enjoyed seeing the film again.
As the credits rolled, there was a collective sigh. "Can we watch it again?" was the question. If you have somehow managed to miss this gem from the 1990's here is the trailer. Watch it with a pup...or nine...that you love!