28.10.2015, 11 a.m. in Dobova at the slovenian croatian border:
refugees and migrants, who had to cross by feet the border last two days are still in camps and step by step will be transportated by trains in direction of Austria.
But yesterday a first test happened with 3 trains and probably from today on it will be the new system: refugees are transported directly by train from croatia/opatovac to the trainstation in Dobova in Slovenia. Then they change directly into another train to Sentilj/Spielfeld at the slovenian Austrian border.
In moment volunteers have access to the refugees also in and near the trainstation, but we will see it will go in next days...
In general a good step to facilitate the travelling in the corridor and to reduce the suffering on the route.
And for sure another small success of the still powerful social movement of refugees, who also several times last days protested again and demanding their freedom of movement against a strange militarisation in this strange camp and registration system....
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» News from balcanroute: Trains from croatia through Slovenia and further to Austria?