(en) Greece, libertasalonica, For a new world, for a life of
Ashes you will become aged world ---- the road of the defeat is written in your fate. ----
And you cannot make us bend ---- by killing our brothers of the battle ---- And you should
know it ---- we will be the winners ---- no matter if our sacrifices are heavy ---- Nazim
Hikmet ---- The bomb attack in the large rally for peace in Ankara, which took the lives
of at least 128 people struggling for freedom, shows once again the murderous nature of
the state and of the capital. It is the continuation of the bombing in Suruc and of the
attack unleashed by the Turkish army in the Kurdish areas. ---- It doesn't make any
essential difference if ISIS, the Grey Wolves, or the Turkish secret services are the
direct perpetrators of yesterday's massacre, as they all serve the same purpose. The
message is eerily clear: anyone who dares to oppose the plans of the mafia regime of
Erdogan will be exterminated, no matter if this is a fifteen year-old in Istanbul who
rebels against the destruction of a park, or a worker in Ankara protesting for peace, or a
female guerrilla in the mountains of Kurdistan. The strategy of tension is present in its
most dehumanized and brutal form and the dividing line is crystal clear. On the one side
we have the state and the capital, which in order to expand their dominance treat people
as if they are pawns the sacrifice of which is not important. On the other side we have
the peoples of the region, the weak and the oppressed who are fighting for freedom.
For us, the democratic autonomy in Kurdistan and the struggles of the Turkish people
constitute a beacon of hope amidst the barbarism of modern totalitarianism. It is our duty
to honour our murdered brothers and sisters by escalating the internationalist struggle
for a world of equality, justice and freedom. Today we may seem very small and weak, but
the spark that is smouldering in the hearts of the oppressed in Kobani, in Diyarbakir, in
Ankara, in Istanbul, in Thessaloniki and everywhere in the world is not going to go out.
The stronger we make the bonds that connect us and the more we share the vision of a
different society, this spark will flare up until it finally becomes the fire that will
turn the old world of power into ashes and will pave the way for the creation of our new
life, our world of libertarian communism.
Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki