Fake elitists are starting to shit their pants that their fake wealth is about to be redistributed.
ZH: Oct. 18th, 2015
According to Rupert Murdoch and Friends aka. the NY Post - which I wouldn't wipe my ass with if it was printed in 4-ply - redistribution is a failed concept. Except of course when it's from the bottom to the top, as we see above. That type of redistribution works fantastic. After all, without that type of redistribution, they wouldn't be wealthy in the first place.
Fortunately we can lay aside any concerns from the fake elite that their fake wealth will be redistributed. Because there won't be anything to redistribute. Real wealth comes from the ability to produce real things, not worthless IOUs backed by absolutely nothing...
The circle of jerks:
Let's see how the instantaneous "re-pricing" system works:
Fake fracking wealth:
Fake Chinese stock market wealth:
Fake revenueless Biotech wealth:
Fake Dow wealth
Employment ratio with Stocks adjusted for debt and inflation: