(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Resistors
libertarian 2 - Anti-fascism - International - Social Struggles - No
wall between peoples Person of the people within the walls! (fr, it,
pt) [machine translation]
Parisian region ---- The French government traces the borders of Fortress Europe, with the
blood of migrant · e · s and refugees · e · s, while instrumentalising to legitimize the
imperialist intervention in Syria. In fighting the forces of the Islamic State that he
helped create, Europe and the United States and their allies in the region (Saudi Arabia,
Israel, Jordan, Turkey, ...), continue to destabilize the Middle -orient, while the
conflict in Syria and Iraq, he continues to get bogged down, causing the exodus of entire
populations as every time the West militarily involved in the Third World. Turkey also is
responsible since it funds and arms with one hand the Islamic state while on the other it
triggers a total war against the Kurds and the revolutionary, yet alone · e · s to offer a
credible alternative to Bashar al-Assad and the Islamic State.
What response of european states? strengthening border
Behind the hypocritical fine speeches and Will in war-Western elites, solidarity with
migrant · e · s does not follow Europe and is seeking to host the refugee least · e · s
possible, with only 24 000 places for refugee · e · s in 2 years. And that's the beautiful
part in the rise of nationalism when this debate vultures, imposed tou · te · s, tries to
reconcile bourgeoisies and operated · e · s arguing that they and they would have the same
interests and should put in the place of the French state as to whether or not we should
"accept refugee · e · s". Push people to take the side of the so-called national interest
is to open the door to social cannibalism, war you tou · · · s against you tou · s and
strengthen the power of the bourgeoisie and the state.
The graves of the Mediterranean, with European operations weighed so-called rescue (mare
mostrum 2014), always opposite side, tighter controls and thus maritime risks for people
We are not fooled when migrant Valls opposes · e · e · s and refugee · s in a racist
discourse that opens the door just a border to · e · s to better close it on the heads of
others. Namely undocumented, mostly fleeing poverty and economic war. No dupes either when
behind the administrative fortresses, 75% of refugee · e · s today will see their
unsuccessful asylum application, and join the ranks of the undocumented.
Fooled face images and discourses that aim to divert a class solidarity, popular and
anti-racism, which may arise. This strategy aims to impose a humanitarian logic and a
logic of division that encloses the undocumented in the category of "bad migrant · es · e
· s". How can we forget that and are the direct victims of social and economic wars are
played on petroleum, raw material resources in the southern ex-colonized.
behind the repression of refugee · e · s, imperialism and neo-colonialism
We are not fooled by the intensification of resource theft (mining, oil ..) by European
countries in particular, which becomes a way to manage the crisis in Europe and maintain
profits. Military interventions (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Central Africa and now in
Syria) are parallel to the economic exploitation of "South countries".
The repression known by the refugee · e · s is limitless, which is why we denounce
criminalization. Behind the police violence, we see that there is no rupture of the State
with its colonial past. Here, the refugee · e · s · find themselves harshly confronted
with the e · s state racism doors. This same racism which controls the state looting
operations, political control of African countries and support to several military
dictatorships around the world. Imperialism which impoverishes and represses people and
causes them to flee their country. Imperialism and neo kill, and right here it is defended
and supported him in the war against migrant · e · s.
· e · migrating s chapel, from calais to ventimiglia away with borders
A vast movement of solidarity, which the Coordination of Groups Anarchists took an active
part, was launched in support of refugee · e · s and undocumented migrants in struggle.
Faced with the State, opposite the town hall that divides, address the humanitarian left
that does nothing but support and legitimize this system of social injustice, we must
further organize our camp. This humanitarian and reformist left sustains the myth that
there is everything to be expected from the state and an exceptional mobilization of the
latter to the aid of refugees · e · s. This fumigation has no other purpose than to curb
refugee wrestling abilities · e · and migrants · e · s and maintain control of this fight.
But why?
So never have to question at any moment the political military and economic domination of
African countries and the Middle East, protecting national bourgeoisies and finally to
validate the structural racism largely installed by the state right here. The left door of
grave responsibilities since attempts to deflect the balance of forces, demobilization and
endorse the dirty sort discourse between migrant · e · s. The war you tou · · · s against
you tou · s
Faced with vultures NGOs and associations compromised, we must organize ourselves. This
requires participation in size to the fight for refugee · e · s and the need to bring
about a class solidarity against state racism against the economic and social violence
that try to crush our class, and to and finish with the neo-colonial military
interventions in the South.
At a time when Islamophobia and imperialism merge to strengthen racist violence right here
Valls announced plans to make "preventive discrimination", which means nothing other than
the increase of controls facies, the strengthening of the racist security apparatus of the
state in the neighborhoods and on the whole territory and a barely veiled appeal to racist
violence of "citizens". We see, governments, while they strengthened their racist police
arsenal, prepare the ground for more serious violence still including the last
anti-immigration protests in Europe (Germany, Poland, Slovakia, ...) and the increase
fascist attacks on migrant · e · s and their supporters are only the beginning.
Facing the Fortress Europe, only one solution, are breaking Borders! Oppose an
internationalist class solidarity and racism and imperialism Occidental!