(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - antifascism in
Verdun, November 14, Make bloc against fascism (fr, it, pt) [machine
Since 2013 a group exists in Nancy, the Bloc antifascist (BAF). There is no lack of
militant activities as the various right-wing groups abound in Lorraine. Presentation and
call the next mobilization, November 14 at Verdun. ---- In June 2013, as in many cities in
France after the year of "demos for all" and the assassination of Clement Meric, has
created an anti-fascist collective Nancy: the Bloc antifascist (BAF). It brings together
individuals from different backgrounds, independent of any militant organization, party or
trade union, and aims to bring together the actors and actresses of these structures, as
people "not Inserts" on common and popular projects to control the spread of far-right
ideas. ---- The BAF is a collective organized non-hierarchical manner to allow the
expression of each of its participants. Decisions are made by consensus as much as
possible by those who organize militant activities of the collective, which is involved
also in the self-managed cultural center of Nancy (CCC).
And, unfortunately, the militant activities abound, as in Lorraine as the climate is
nauseating. It was the appearance of the Lorraine Autonomous Nationalists group that made
headlines with its violent attacks in 2010 and whose three members were sentenced to the
prison in 2013.
Then it was the reappearance of GUD Nancy and the constitution of Lorraine néopétainiste
nationalist group. Two militants of these groups were sentenced in January 2015 to the
suspended sentence following the deployment of a banner during the parade of the March of
Nancy prides May 31, 2014, where it was written: "Go burn in hell" with two Celtic
crosses. Incidentally, one of the two militants was top of the list in the regional
elections of the dissident FN list.
identity and Hammerskins
The look is also gateway to the Moselle where lies Florian Philippot (top of the list for
regional elections and deputy chairman of FN) to the population of Hayange which elected
Mayor FN Fabien Engelmann, to Metz where identities are present and attacked a gathering
for Refugees 12 September 2015.
Finally in May 2015, the website Horde alerted us to the reopening of a local to house the
activities of Hammerskins. The tavern called Thor and installed in the small town of Meuse
Combres-sous-les-Côtes, it housed at the following weekend his first gathering of one of
the most violent groups of the extreme radical right international. A second concert,
draining public mainly German, was organized in September 2015.
Two down-the-front at the tavern of Thor, in Toul.
Faced with political attacks, homophobic, racist, anti-Semitic or Islamophobic, BAF
continues to work to build a radical and popular anti-fascist movement with all the
associations and organizations involved in the fight against racism and discrimination.
This was the case for example with the AFD and UJFP during the Gaza attack by Israel in
July 2014, with CLAF (Coordination libertarian anti-fascist) or Metz to Hayange,
coordinated unemployed The Crisis and unemployed, with the feminist collective Arise, with
Kurdish and Turkish associations following the bombing Suruç, or with the unions involved
in the anti-fascist struggle.
The next meeting will gather a maximum of people "Tou-you-are united against the extreme
right, racism and discrimination," Saturday, November 14 in Verdun, near the village where
Hammerskins settled.
Antifascist block of Nancy
BAF website