Energy News

New World Notes #397, 28:13 (October 13)
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Icebreaking ships in the Arctic

We look at recent (and other) developments--some of them good--concerning oil drilling in the Arctic (stopped for now), coal-fired power plants (dealt a setback by the EPA), Greenpeace's new head, Obama's record on the environment (bad) and otherwise (also bad), Jeb Bush's real name, and how some citizens in Denmark said no to nuclear and built the biggest windmill generator in the world.

Featuring commentary by KD and by Bruce Dixon, a news story from the New York Times, and a song by David Rovics.

David Rovics' song, "The Biggest Windmill In the World," recorded live in Boston by Chuck Rosina, January 2013. (Many thanks.) Bruce Dixon's recorded commentary courtesy of Black Agenda Report.

Arctic drilling rig being towed into position

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