Attend "African Futures"

On science fiction and more:
“If you want to have any idea of the world that is coming, the world ahead of us, look at Africa!”, says Afropolitan author and critic Achille Mbembe. From Lagos to Nairobi to Johannesburg, the continent is giving answers to global questions of the future.

What might various African futures look like? How do artists and academics imagine this future? And what forms and narratives of science fiction have African artists developed? These are some of the questions addressed by the project “African Futures”, organized by the Goethe-Institut from 28 October to 31 October 2015.

Three concurrent interdisciplinary festivals taking place in Johannesburg/South Africa, Lagos/Nigeria and Nairobi/Kenya will be exploring the future, following potential narratives and artistic expression in literature, fine arts, performance, music, film, and various digital formats...[more]

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