A Blast From The Past - Snow Wonder Gift Set

After my exciting discovery of the Happy Gift Set a few weeks ago on eBay, I was even happier when I found another vintage set available for sale a few days later. While the likelihood of the gift set being usable was rather slim, I was still intrigued enough to make a bid, and was rather ecstatic when I won - even more so when the sealed box arrived shortly afterwards. 

Snow Wonder was released in 2004 - a Christmas collection that while rather colourless, contained enough of a variety of scents to attract anyone serious enough about their baths. Hosting enough rarities to have most Lushies salivating at the mouth nowadays, this collection is a rare and rather wonderful glimpse into a world before the Lush Kitchen, and indeed before the introduction of the retro section.

There are so many hard-to-find ballistics in this collection that it almost saddens me that most of these haven't made an reappearance since this gift set was first available. To almost prove this point, you might be amazed to discover that out of the eight products featured, I have only tried three of them - a predicament that I hope to move away from when Lush choose to bring some of these back in the Kitchen this year.

This set features:

Christmas Carol Bath Ballistic
Christmas Party Bath Bomb
Santa Monica Bath Ballistic
Iridescent Glitterbug Massage Bar
Kissletoes Bath Bomb 

While the bath bombs weren't in the best of condition (being over 10 years old gives them somewhat of an excuse), I was surprised to discover that the scent of some of these products was very much intact. The Kissletoe made the strongest impression - a combination of cinnamon and orange to rival that of the current Cinders Bath Bomb. The orange and lime of the Christmas Party revealed itself once the ballistic had been given time to breathe, and a note of carnations and rose made itself known when I had a quick sniff of Santa Monica.

As I mentioned above, this may not be the most exciting collection to look at in terms of colour and condition of the products, but the prospect of owning most of these bath bombs, albeit fresh, is enough to make me wish that they re-release this set in all of its glory.

While most of these bombs are probably unusable at this stage (although the shower gel, soap and bubble bar seem fine), I have enjoyed making the journey into Lush's vast and extensive history. For the sake of myself and other hopeful Lushies, I just hope that history repeats itself, and soon. 

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