U.S. Marines Prepare for Future Warfare

(Photo: Cpl. Anna Albrecht/Marine Corps)

Marine Times: New intel report: megaslums, drones and invisible enemies in the next decade

It is Aug. 10, 2017. A team of unarmed Marines with Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force–South has deployed to Cartagena, Colombia, to begin a two-week security and cooperation training mission with Colombian marines.

Three days into the mission, guerrillas with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia begin attacking government targets, while Venezuelan marines, with Russian advisers and Chinese equipment, launch an amphibious assault near Bahia Tukakas, Colombia; two Marines are wounded in action.

Suddenly, task force leaders have some critical decisions to make: How do they best support their Marines in contact with a force that possesses greater speed and combat power?

WNU Editor: Conducting warfare in a megaslum .... I can only imagine how messy that will be.