Trump, Iran, and Government Lies

New World Notes #394, 27:52 (September 22)
Broadcast quality MP3 (38 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Voice of the Establishment (one of many):
House Speaker John Boehner (R, Ohio)

The Establishment is aghast at presidential candidate Donald Trump. Why? Because Trump cheerfully acknowedges that the System is thoroughly corrupt and serves the interests only of the wealthy and powerful.
KD connects the Establishment's rejection of Trump ... the phony Congressional "debate" over the phony "Iran nuclear crisis" ... and the huge gap between the Official Explanation of our government's policies and what those policies actually are.
Then Richard Saunders discusses many of the government's baldfaced lies and fake "crises" that have served as pretexts for war for more than a century--with a little help from the corporate-controlled media.

Plus a song by David Rovics.

Richard Saunders is Coordinator of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade.

Thanks to the Global Research News Hour for the Saunders interview (of September 2013), which I have excerpted and edited.

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