The U.S. Marine's F-35s Are Not Ready For Combat

CNN: F-35 tests fell short, Pentagon report says

(CNN)After nearly 15 years of schedule delays and highly criticized cost increases, U.S. military officials and defense contractors confidently proclaimed the much maligned Joint Strike Fighter program back on track when the Marine Corps declared its version of the F-35 fighter jet combat-ready last month.

However, the fifth generation stealth fighter jet may still have a number of maintenance and reliability problems that "are likely to present significant near-term challenges for the Marine Corps," according to a complete copy of a recent memo from the Pentagon's Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), released in a report by the nonpartisan government watchdog group Project on Government Oversight (POGO).

WNU Editor: The Generals are saying that the F-35A (unlike the F-35B Marine version in the above story) will be ready for combat next year .... US To Deploy Fifth-Gen F-35 Jet Next Year (Defense World) .... any bets that it will not?

More News That The F-35B Will Not be Ready For Combat As Advertised

Pentagon Testing Office Calls Foul on F-35B 'Operational Test' -- Real Clear Defense/POGO
Surprise! The Marines' F-35s Are Not Ready for Combat -- War Is Boring
Pentagon weapons tester calls F-35 evaluation into question -- Washington Post
Pentagon official calls into question Marine Corps tests used to declare F-35 ready for combat -- Ottawa Citizen

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