The Super Blood Moon Eclipse

Scientific American: Sunday's "Supermoon" Total Lunar Eclipse: When and Where to See It

The evening of September 27 will be the fourth time in the last 17 months that the moon becomes immersed in the Earth's shadow.

On the evening of Sept. 27, the moon will once again become immersed in the Earth's shadow, resulting in a total lunar eclipse─the fourth such event in the last 17 months,

As with all lunar eclipses, the region of visibility for Sunday's blood-moon lunar eclipse will encompass more than half of our planet. Nearly 1 billion people in the Western Hemisphere, nearly 1.5 billion throughout much of Europe and Africa and perhaps another 500 million in western Asia will be able to watch as the Harvest Full Moon becomes a shadow of its former self and morphs into a glowing coppery ball.

WNU Editor: I have been an amateur astronomer since I was a teen .... so I love this stuff. The last time that I saw such an eclipse was in my teenage years .... and the memory of seeing a red moon in the night sky is something that still sticks with me today. If you have a chance to see it please do .... it will be something that you will never forget.

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