Syrian Officials Are Confirming Reports That China Will Be Deploying Military Personnel To Join Russian Forces In Syria

Chinese president Xi Jinping and Russia's president Vladimir Putin. CNN

Intrastar: Chinese Military Experts and Troop Deployment to Syria : Joint Russian-Chinese Development

The situation is heating up in Syria yet again. If reports coming from Almasdar News are accurate, another troop deployment will soon be about to take place – in addition to the 2,000 Russian troops who arrived earlier this week. This time, however, the troops are coming from China. Leith Fadel of Almasdar News (the Arab Source), reported that China has now decided to commit troops and military aircraft to Syria within the next six weeks. Although the reports have not been independently confirmed, the outlet cited a senior Syrian officer in the Syrian military for the claims regarding the Chinese plans. Fadel’s information has proven accurate many times in the past.

WNU Editor: I have yet to hear any official announcement of this deployment from either Syria or China .... and none of the major news wire services or agencies are reporting on it .... but in social media and in smaller news outlets a lot of people are talking about it.

More News On Reports That China Will Be Deploying Military Personnel To Syria

China Sending Military To Syria? – OpEd -- Eurasia Review/Mina
World View: Reports Claim China Heading To Syria, Supposedly To Join Russia -- Breitbart
Chinese Navy sets off for Syria -- Pravda
If Assad asks, China can deploy troops to Syria -- Times of Israel
Is China Sending Troops To Syria? -- Activist Post
Chinese Military Personnel Expected to Arrive in Syria -- Arab Source
Meanwhile, Russia and China May Be Joining Forces in Syria -- Daily Kos

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