September 6, 2015

White Dog whispered to Steve and the two of them went out to the yard. They came back with Skye, Daisy and Kandy.

Candace has been working like crazy all week and it is complicated because her car is in repair so she must rely on the train and rides to get to where she needs to be. Consequently, the family has spent more time than usual apart. Tonight was a nanny night and Candace would not return until morning.

Her furry girls are usually fine with just a few trips outside and nite-nite treats when Steve tucked them in for the night.

Tonight we could hear their restlessness and sadness over their mom being away. White Dog had explained their loneliness to Steve and asked him if the girls could join us in the main house until walk time. That way we would all be together and they might feel less unhappy.

Their smiles when Skye and Daisy scampered in immediately said White Dog had been correct. They settled on the couch and Steve added Kandy, who was in his arms to make a trio. Tails wagged as the White Dog Army went over to greet them.

"Glad you could come to visit for awhile," I told them. "I know your mom is missing you and wishes she could be with you. Always remember how much she loves you."

So for a few hours, the girls rested on the couch, hopped down to explore, and drank the magical water from our green communal bowl (there is something in that water that causes all three girls to drink themselves full; every time they come in they must have the elixir).

I was pleased and surprised when Kandy jumped off of the couch to explore the sun porch; I was thrilled when Bella came out from under her chair to follow her around and keep watch over her. I loved seeing them touch noses and walk side-by-side; both are so timid.

Before we knew it, it was time for walks...and for the girls to go to bed. Neither Daisy or Skye wanted to go but dutifully followed Steve. Back in their home, he gave them treats and tucked them in. And all three settled down to sleep.

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