(Chip Somodevilla/Getty)
VOX News: This awkward photo of Obama and Putin locking eyes at the UN speaks volumes
Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin's relationship has always been, shall we say, fraught, but on Monday they shared a toast at the United Nations that looks to have been, even by their high standards, pretty weird.
There's so much to take in here. The nuclear powers side-eye. Putin's almost triumphalist smirk; Obama's undisguised loathing (there's an unmistakable "let's get this over with" look on his face) of the man with whom he's touching glasses. The discrepancy in size between the two men — look at how much farther Obama's arm reached than Putin's — adds another layer to it all. But their eyes sure are locked.
WNU Editor: Yup .... I can confirm it now .... the U.S. - Russian reset is dead.