Our 2015 Fall Kitchen

Greetings, friends!

What room of yours is your favorite to decorate for Fall?  For me, I think I'd have to say that it's our kitchen.

I guess it's because we spend a lot of time in here ... or maybe it's because countertops give you lots of space to scatter your love for the season.

Having said that, now I laugh because I kept it pretty simple on those surrounding countertops. 

This year, I went with more neutral tones, too ...

with white pumpkins and pine cones taking over, with only a little added color, like in our roo prints.

It's nice how nature can "dress up" the simplest of utensils.

I did sneak in a little orange though.

I mean, after all, what is Fall without orange, right? 

And then back to simple and neutral on the other side, as well.

The main reason I did this is because I had fun on the island, playing with the oversized tray I found last month at Home Goods.


I wanted this to be the focal point, without competing for your attention ... making this our "go big or go home" vignette, where no color was off limits!

Of course, I had to add a colorful roo to stand guard.

In our little breakfast area, again, I kept the kitchen table pretty plain ... that's because of our annual Fall family tree in the background.

I've been adding this tree for several years, and I never tire of decorating it ...

Even though it's not a big tree, it takes me awhile to decorate because I find myself getting distracted with the pictures and sayings I add to the tree ... walking down memory lane takes a little time!  

So does greeting some of the cute ornaments (like Mr. Owl) who have been hibernating in a bin since last Fall.

Of course, you know I love adding lots and LOTS of "stuff" to my tree toppers, with our Fall family tree being no exception.  

And, yet, if you turn around from the tree, you're greeted with simple, yet again.

Even though I'm a "more is more" kinda gal when it comes to seasonal decorating, sometimes, it's fun to keep things a little understated, with one big vignette or display right in the middle to say "ta da!"

I hope you're having fun adding a bit of seasonal "ta da" to *your* homes right now!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

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