levels of loveliness & building shelter for l'il red.

It was a gorgeous weekend and only right that we spend a little time relaxing.
I added a flower stand behind St. Francis so I had levels of blooms to enjoy for the little time left for these flowers. 
I love the fall mums.

My late morning glories.

and today it rained
after my hour walk where I got caught in a downpour (hence my flippy hair) we built a squirrel feeder to help our resident l'il red and his buddies get through the cold winter ahead.

The squirrel goes in through the hole and enters the jar that will hold his food. That way he is out of the rainy, sleety, frigid weather while he eats.
And, we can watch him enjoy his meal.
We made it bigger than the instructions because we thought the squirrel looked a little squished in the picture.
It gets so cold in our part of Canada that some wild-life do not survive the winter.
This just might make a difference.

The retired-guy is presently staining it red to match the mouse-house.
Only the best for our little rascals.

See...this is how it looks when he is dining.

Some would say we have too much time on our hands but hey...it's raining.

Now back to organizing those shelves behind me.

If you would like to build a squirrel feeder here is the link...

Thank you Nicole for sending me this link.
Nicole is one of my cat-sitting clients from years back and has been following along on our 'new life' in the country.

I still miss caring for her darling Serena. She is the most beautiful cat (inside and out) with big baby blues. 
How I would love to hug her again. 
This was very sweet of you, Nicole. Thank you so much.

Check out these peepers. :)
I was putty in her paws.

hugs, Deb

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