Just Waiting For The Big One Now

While copious disinformers blow smoke up our asses constantly, and weak bears capitulate...

The Borg IS The Illusion...

The reason I blog is because it's too easy to get hypnotized by the all-ubiquitous Borg. Until I put it into writing, I'm tempted to think - "there's no way they can be that fucking stupid, can they?"...

We are surrounded by people who desperately want this shit show to continue at all costs. And they need everyone else to believe it too. Never mind that it's a dead end. Never mind that the mounting costs fall on the children, just keep this shit show going. Coloring books forever.

Seeing charts of the Nikkei stuck at 1986 levels is very effective at silencing the siren song of the Idiocracy.

Seeing this chart of Italian stocks has a similarly sobering effect:

We are once again stuck in the Dow roller coaster ride to nowhere. All weak handed shorts, falling under the spell of the Borg, must cover, before this shit show can go down again overnight at a pace that makes even me say,

"Holy fuck..."

Yen w/S&P: I'm not sure which is which or why it matters...

We're waiting for the big one now:

There's no "Happily Ever After" to Globalization

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