Ireland Homeless Direct action occupies DCC office in Coolock by Joe Conlon

en) Homeless Direct action occupies DCC office in
Coolock by Joe Conlon

Housing direct action is took place this morning (14 Sept) at the Dublin City Council 
(DCC) office in Bunratty Civic Centre, Coolock in Dublin. Mother's and their children who 
are in need of housing occupied the offices in order to force the council to answer their 
questions. In particular they want to know why many people are discovering there isn't 
even emergency accommodation available. ---- Some of the mothers are currently living in
hotels or B&B's (which DCC pay for) with their kids while others are couch surfing in the 
homes of friends and relations. There are a huge number of 'hidden homeless' in such 
situations. ---- When the protesters entered the DCC office area they demanded to see the
head of staff as they wanted to discuss the cases of the homeless women, particularly 2 of 
the women's cases that were present, the 2 women's cases were the worst of the cases they 
wanted to push for. The 2 women and their children didn't even have a roof over their 
heads not even a hotel room, B&B or the comfort of a friend's or family members sofa.

The photo shows the group meeting up in a local park around the corner from the DCC before 
they marched around and occupied the offices (small photo at bottom left). They have been 
talking with the local staff the most senior of which got on the phone to the main centre 
at Parkgate street.

They were then told to go to Parkgate street to get answers but very sensibly said no, 
they will remain in occupation until the head of the homeless section comes out to 
Bunratty to answer their questions.

The most senior member of staff then came back to the protesters and said Dublin City 
Council would pay for taxis for the 2 women so they could reach a solution to their 
plight. After a discussion between the protesters, they collectively decided the 2 women 
and 3 supporters would go with them to Parkgate street. At 1.30pm the 5 women left for 
Pargate street homeless unit.

While the 5 were negotiating; back in Coolock DCC the Garda (police in Irish) were called 
to remove the protesters that stayed behind.A sergeant from Coolock Garda station arrived 
and told the Bunratty staff that it was a civil matter there was nothing the Garda could 
do to remove the protesters.

Back in Pargate street the 5 were negotiating with the heads of the homeless unit for 1 
and a half hours, the head of staff told the women that DCC would pay for a hotel or B&B 
if she could find the accommodation herself. And for the second woman the head of staff 
promised they'd find accommodation for her tomorrow (Tuesday the 15th of September). The 5 
women then phone called the protesters in Coolock DCC office to discuss what steps to take 

It was decided that the protesters would accept DCC's offer and that they would leave the 
offices to give DCC the chance to implement the deal they offered. The 5 women got taxis 
back to where the other protesters were. (DCC payed 120 euro for the taxis). If the 2 
women get accommodation tomorrow it will be a small victory for the protesting women, it 
will be one step closer to their goal but there is still a long way to go.

The women that took part in the direct action done so with out the help of the local 
political representatives. They took the initiative themselves, fed up with politicians 
false promises and dragging their heels, they self-organized and took direct action 
against the state bureaucracy and fighting for their rights.

Words: Joe Conlon

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