Help Open Source Software Awards! #Wikipedia #Mozilla #Wordpress #Firefox #MySQL #OSEcology #Catarse is out! Edition of 16 September 2015‏

Help Open Source Software Awards! #Wikipedia 
#Mozilla #Wordpress #Firefox #MySQL #OSEcology #Catarse

Help OS Software Awards! #Wikipedia

#Mozilla #Wordpress #Firefox

#MySQL #OSEcology #Catarse

How best to help everyone

comment/collaborate/crowdfund everything?

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16 September 2015
Technology Science Art & Entertainment Leisure World Business #wikipedia #mozilla
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10 skills a good social media manager need | Simply Measured
thumbnailsimplymeasured­.com - Not everyone has what it takes to work in social media. Being able to craft a witty Tweet or find the perfect GIF… …doesn’t automatically qualify you to be a social media marketer. When building th...

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