Guatemalan President Pérez Molina Has Resigned Amid Corruption Charges

CNN: Embattled Guatemalan President Pérez Molina resigns, arrest warrant issued

(CNN)Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina resigned late Wednesday amid a corruption scandal, his spokesman said.

The resignation came within hours of the Attorney General's Office issuing a warrant for his arrest.

Earlier this week, the nation's congress voted to strip Pérez Molina of his immunity.

The move paved the way for his possible prosecution as part of a corruption investigation that has shaken his government and sparked protests calling for his resignation.

More News On The Resignation Of Guatemalan President Pérez Molina

The Latest: Guatemalan President Resigns in Corruption Probe -- NYT/AP
President Otto Pérez Molina of Guatemala Resigns Amid Scandal -- New York Times
Guatemala's president quits over graft scandal -- Reuters
Guatemalan Pres. Otto Pérez Molina resigns amid corruption probe -- FOX News
Guatemala President Resigns Amid Corruption Probe -- VOA
Guatemalan president resigns after judge orders him to face corruption charges -- Washington post
Q&A: What to Look for With Guatemala's Embattled President -- AP

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