Chinese Warships Reportedly Came Within 12 Nautical Miles Of US Coast

FOX News: Chinese warships spotted off Alaska coast reportedly passed through US waters

Five Chinese warships that were operating off the Alaska coast earlier this week reportedly entered U.S. territorial waters and came within 12 nautical miles of the coast, Pentagon officials told the Wall Street Journal early Friday.

China’s Defense Ministry also confirmed to the paper that its naval ships had sailed to the Bering Sea for training after a joint military exercise with Russia in late August. Officials in Beijing insisted that the activity was routine and not aimed at any particular country.

Navy Commander Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed to Fox News Wednesday that three surface warfare ships, one amphibious assault ship and one supply vessel from the People's Liberation Army Navy had been sighted in the Bering Sea. It was the first time that Chinese ships had been seen in the body of water separating Alaska and Russia.

Update: Chinese Navy Ships Came Within 12 Nautical Miles of U.S. Coast -- WSJ

WNU Editor: The Chinese have made their point .... they are now leaving .... Chinese ships headed home after Bering Sea sighting: U.S. Navy (Reuters).

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