Articles 1-20 of 128 full texts on ResearchGate. in English, in Russian. aquatic, available, ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental, online, quality, safety, self-purification, toxicology, water, online, free, links, fulltexts, качество воды, окружающая среда, экология,

For further reference: 
Large list of 120 full texts online, links, ResearchGate, papers published in scientific journals, on environmental science, ecology, ecotoxicology, aquatic, water, self-purification, hazard assessment, testing, detergents, synthetic, surfactants, bioassay, chemical, pollutants,
in English, in Russian:

Articles 1-20 of 128 full texts on ResearchGate. in English, in Russian.
aquatic, available, ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental, online, quality, safety, self-purification, toxicology, water, online, free, links, fulltexts, качество воды,
окружающая среда, экология, улучшение качества воды, экологическая безопасность,

aquatic, available, ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental, free, fulltexts, links, online, quality, safety, self-purification, toxicology, water, качество воды, экология

Articles 1-20 of 128 full-texts, see here:

Articles 21-40 of 128 full texts on ResearchGate, see here:

Articles 41-60 of 128 full texts on ResearchGate,

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