Oct 16, 2015

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
Hermoso is in a Mcas Foster Home

here is my Mcas weblink

This is an all american shelter dog :) so all your friends and relatives that are taking bets on what he is a mix of are probably right. That generally speaks well for Sound solid health and constitution.
He is small and LIVELY.
His shelter name is Hermoso which is Spanish for handsome . and he is so very handsome indeed .
white and tan with a curled tail and a constant smile. Like an american eskimo or spitz type mixed with more.
He is a compact little guy that shows Tons of affection kisses galore.He is about 12 pounds soaking wet. but totally solid.
He is one of those dogs that jumps from the ground straight high up into your arms puts himself in your lap over and over again. And there are tons of kisses.
His heart is Easily won over with a few treats . really that is all it takes a couple of treats and he is yours !!!!
An alert dog he never lets a stranger slip past his guard. and runs to you to show off with pride his skill at keeping you safe.
Good with other dogs big and little . Probably needs a cat that would swipe his nose once to respect cats . but not an aggressive guy. Major league curious with lots of athletic ability. Thinking about agility work ???
He is only one and half years old YOUNG !! puppy energy.
He has been fabulous on his house manners since coming into foster care.
Come meet him at out reach at Broadway pet Saturday or the Multcopets location in North Portland on Lombard on Sunday
Or just call his foster mom at
503-262-7101 and meet him as soon as today.
Do look at adoption application on their site multcopets.org
He comes with all shots; already neutered , micro chipped, licensed for 1 year, and vet checked as well as behavior checked with a vet check coupon or vet of your choice.
And you get the plus of foster home input as far as character as well.
Yes he is handsome ............but he is also SMART , young, active and likely to be a 13 year or more commitment .
Looking for a forever home.


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