Results of research of Sergei Ostroumov, citation, explanations, most important posts and links
Tags: key web-pages, key links, explanation, Reviews,
S.A.Ostroumov, citation, Environmental science, ecology, water, toxicology, biology. discoveries, S.Ostroumov, conservation
All continents cited the #top #publications: #environment #ecology #biology: Africa #America #Asia Australia #Europe;
All continents except Antarctica (Antarctida, South Pole) cited these publications on environment, ecology, biology: Europe, N.America, S.America, Asia, Australia, Africa. World renowned top papers:
Authors who cited: U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, China, et al.:
Citation Worldwide. Institutions that cited this scientist (Moscow University), a Fulbright Award winner: environmental science, ecology, water, aquatic, toxicology, ecotoxicology, water quality improvement, nanotoxicology - selected examples - U.S.A., Russia, Britain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Australia, Poland, China, Slovenia, Philippines, Belarus, Uruguay, Korea, Ukraine, Lithuania, et al.
List of some institutions that cited the scientist of Moscow University who is a Fulbright Award winner (they cited Dr. S.A. Ostroumov's works: ecology, environment, biology), selected examples; edited 31.08.2015;
Cited at libraries-associated sites:
Books, publications authored by ecologists of Moscow University, examples:
Key words: environmental science, ecology, biology, library, sites, cited, publications, Moscow University, Harvard, Oxford, Congress, MIT, USA, Canada, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Australia,
> 600 papers, institutions cited Fulbright Award winner: citation in USA, Germany, U. K., Japan, China, other countries:
100 publications that cited papers and books authored by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (Moscow University) on ecology, biology, water quality, environmental safety (according to eLibrary database), selected recent examples.
100 публикаций, которые цитировали статьи и книги -экология, охрана окружающей среды - сотрудника МГУ, доктора биологических наук Сергея Остроумова. Данные eLibrary.
Citation in dissertations. They cited Sergei Ostroumov: environmental science, ecology, conservation, water quality, ecotoxicology, biochemical ecology.
Цитирование в диссертациях публикаций - биология, науки об окружающей среде, экология - Сергея Остроумова, МГУ. In Russian.
Веб-сайты с детальной информацией, библиография:
Web influencer, champ:
This scientist is the most downloaded researcher from his institution (according to a notification from ResearchGate)
Key words (in 14 languages) of book:
Biological Effects of Surfactants, by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov;
key words in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Afrikaans, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Ukrainian, Arabic, German, ;
FAQ on S.A. Ostroumov's publications, research results, and several additional sites on his publications: environmental sciences, biology, ecology, geosciences, water, toxicology
Explanation of publications of Sergei Ostroumov, and several other relevant related articles online.
WorldCat reviews of S.A.Ostroumov's publications.
These reviews (favorable) explain the main innovation, novelty, and discoveries in articles and books of this researcher, a Fulbright Award winner, at Moscow University, with a background of being a visiting professor at universities of U.S. and U.K. Tags: Environmental science, ecology, water, toxicology, biology.
Information of books of Sergei Ostroumov:
Free preview of almost all pages of the book, Conservation of Living Nature and Resources:
Bestseller in toxicology: title of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants, Main topic of the book: ecotoxicology of detergents, surface active substances,Bestseller, Biological, book, detergents,ecotoxicology, effects, environmental, impact, main, Sergei A. Ostroumov, surface active substances, surfactants, topic, toxicology
40 top publications with links, environmental, science, toxicology, safety, water, water quality, aquatic, ecotoxicology, pollution control, self-purification, sustainability,
Many of these full texts available online, many of them free (at ResearchGate, Scribd)
These articles were indexed by Scopus, PubMed, and; this list of bibliography with links was posted on 23.07.2015
updated draft of the file:18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, clean water, ecology, environmental sciences, biology;
a list of publications authored by a Fulbright Award winner Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow University) and coauthors,
new discoveries in key areas of environmental and life sciences. Improving water quality, sustainability, environment safety - selected.
previous draft of this file:
Results of research of Sergei Ostroumov, citation, explanations, most important posts and links
Tags: key web-pages, key links, explanation, Reviews,
S.A.Ostroumov, citation, Environmental science, ecology, water, toxicology, biology. discoveries, S.Ostroumov, conservation
All continents cited the #top #publications: #environment #ecology #biology: Africa #America #Asia Australia #Europe;
All continents except Antarctica (Antarctida, South Pole) cited these publications on environment, ecology, biology: Europe, N.America, S.America, Asia, Australia, Africa. World renowned top papers:
Authors who cited: U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, China, et al.:
Citation Worldwide. Institutions that cited this scientist (Moscow University), a Fulbright Award winner: environmental science, ecology, water, aquatic, toxicology, ecotoxicology, water quality improvement, nanotoxicology - selected examples - U.S.A., Russia, Britain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Australia, Poland, China, Slovenia, Philippines, Belarus, Uruguay, Korea, Ukraine, Lithuania, et al.
List of some institutions that cited the scientist of Moscow University who is a Fulbright Award winner (they cited Dr. S.A. Ostroumov's works: ecology, environment, biology), selected examples; edited 31.08.2015;
Cited at libraries-associated sites:
Books, publications authored by ecologists of Moscow University, examples:
Key words: environmental science, ecology, biology, library, sites, cited, publications, Moscow University, Harvard, Oxford, Congress, MIT, USA, Canada, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Australia,
> 600 papers, institutions cited Fulbright Award winner: citation in USA, Germany, U. K., Japan, China, other countries:
100 publications that cited papers and books authored by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (Moscow University) on ecology, biology, water quality, environmental safety (according to eLibrary database), selected recent examples.
100 публикаций, которые цитировали статьи и книги -экология, охрана окружающей среды - сотрудника МГУ, доктора биологических наук Сергея Остроумова. Данные eLibrary.
Citation in dissertations. They cited Sergei Ostroumov: environmental science, ecology, conservation, water quality, ecotoxicology, biochemical ecology.
Цитирование в диссертациях публикаций - биология, науки об окружающей среде, экология - Сергея Остроумова, МГУ. In Russian.
Веб-сайты с детальной информацией, библиография:
Web influencer, champ:
This scientist is the most downloaded researcher from his institution (according to a notification from ResearchGate)
Key words (in 14 languages) of book:
Biological Effects of Surfactants, by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov;
key words in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Afrikaans, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Ukrainian, Arabic, German, ;
FAQ on S.A. Ostroumov's publications, research results, and several additional sites on his publications: environmental sciences, biology, ecology, geosciences, water, toxicology
Explanation of publications of Sergei Ostroumov, and several other relevant related articles online.
WorldCat reviews of S.A.Ostroumov's publications.
These reviews (favorable) explain the main innovation, novelty, and discoveries in articles and books of this researcher, a Fulbright Award winner, at Moscow University, with a background of being a visiting professor at universities of U.S. and U.K. Tags: Environmental science, ecology, water, toxicology, biology.
Information of books of Sergei Ostroumov:
Free preview of almost all pages of the book, Conservation of Living Nature and Resources:
Bestseller in toxicology: title of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants, Main topic of the book: ecotoxicology of detergents, surface active substances,Bestseller, Biological, book, detergents,ecotoxicology, effects, environmental, impact, main, Sergei A. Ostroumov, surface active substances, surfactants, topic, toxicology
40 top publications with links, environmental, science, toxicology, safety, water, water quality, aquatic, ecotoxicology, pollution control, self-purification, sustainability,
Many of these full texts available online, many of them free (at ResearchGate, Scribd)
These articles were indexed by Scopus, PubMed, and; this list of bibliography with links was posted on 23.07.2015
updated draft of the file:18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, clean water, ecology, environmental sciences, biology;
a list of publications authored by a Fulbright Award winner Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow University) and coauthors,
new discoveries in key areas of environmental and life sciences. Improving water quality, sustainability, environment safety - selected.
previous draft of this file:
18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES: ecology, environmental sciences, biology; with bibliography, selected. Publications, discoveries in some key areas of environmental and life sciences. Improving water quality, sustainability, environment safety.
18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, environmental sciences, biology. This is a list of some publications that contain new discoveries in some key areas of environmental and life sciences. Improving water quality, sustainability, environment safety. Concise explanations, annotations, comments.
Some files use key words in languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and others.
These research results (see details, and bibliography in this post) helped in answering important questions that are listed in this online publication:
These research results (see details, and bibliography in this post) helped in answering important questions that are listed in this online publication: