Spain, Catalonia, Embat - Who we are

Spain, Catalonia, Embat - Who we are (ca) [machine
translation] (

Dear, Process Embat is a network of militant social libertarian tradition, who started 
this with the aim of finding a way of articulating a social trend, organized and willing 
to contribute, from a libertarian perspective development popular movement and the 
empowerment of the people to achieve a sovereign Catalonia by deploying the most popular 
power with greater economic democracy and political democracy. ---- Process Embat aims to 
build this trend through extensive debate between active and social union in the country, 
putting into question the excesses policies that we apply recent decades, for once 
diagnosed the shortcomings noted among all the possible solutions, collaboration put 
ourselves in a situation where we needed to push our bodies daily revolutionary practice 
accompany the popular sectors and workers in their struggles, keeping strategies and 
resources in the short, medium and long term.

That is why we will promote forums and debates sector in order to foster debate and 
contact militants who give themselves in the battle fronts.



1. Introduction
1.1 - Introduction socio-historical

We are living historic moments regarding the social, economic and political global, 
European and also with regard to Spain and Catalonia. The villages of southern Europe are 
mired in a long time in many respects quite turbulent, dynamic does not seem to have to 
change in the coming years.

Regarding the social response, to "the low and" we can only be pessimistic as to concrete 
results. Hardly can speak of victories gained through struggles and victories are barely 
known and disseminated assumed. So the climate of defeatism where we are, despite being a 
full participant in everyday struggles and social demands is quite overwhelming for social 

Social and traditional left still have too much weight in the social and popular 
mobilization. This still left broke with neoliberalism and even reinforces how much 
reaches the quota of power. The revolutionary movements are so small and marginal 
discourse apparently misplaced. Not manage to appeal to those who suffer more blows of the 
crisis, it is the working class.

Instead it was approaching slowly mobilizing part of the middle class which has recently 
come into social activism, at least in recent years. Indeed the middle class is losing its 
status prior "social elevator" and some began to assume that their struggles are also the 
struggles of the working class.

It is also encouraging to note that recent announcements starting to break the monopoly of 
the official left regarding the mobilization and communication. It is a very important 
first step, which may be the beginning of a popular organization larger than deepen this 
trend just begun.

1.2 - Route libertarian movement of the last decade

The anarchist movement since the turn of the century has been based on two currents: 
anarcho-syndicalism one hand, and on the other a movement of relatively autonomous groups 
organized. This latest move makes up a large network of Ateneus, CSOs and squatter groups, 
anarchists, free radio, magazines and newspapers libertarian bands, bars, etc. that fill 
social and political space located at the extreme left (though often in conflict with 
other political and social forces in this environment). Sometimes this libertarian 
movement is able to work together and with other trends for a while, but soon falls into 
"activism activism", or qualify for a speech ultraradical that insulates its base social.

In Catalonia, the last decade has been very sparing in libertarian groups. The groups that 
existed were generally informal affinity groups and their main task was to keep open a 
local (either an Athenian or CSO) or were created specifically to carry out certain 
temporary campaigns. The stable political groups or groups have generally conspicuous by 
their absence with one exception. Despite the approach of the new social movements in our 
language and our practice, barely there has been a recognition of these changes, and has 
often chosen to ignore them, or even attack them. Abandoned thus dispute certain social 
movements which are quickly cornered the social or other revolutionary tendencies, not 

This trend has begun to reverse, broadly speaking, from the new decade. You could say that 
the anti-globalization movement had broad participation libertarian, although this was 
never structured. But maybe it was the fight against Bologna, where he began a new 
generation military libertarian the first time consciously participated in a social 
movement from libertarian positions. After the general strikes of 2010 and 2011 and its 
aftermath with 15M neighborhoods and social movements movement matured and was organized 
with the previous autonomous movement that existed previously.

Now we are finding new groups, associations and local assemblies begin to build a new 
libertarian movement. The June conference will try to form a new federation anarchist is a 
proof of this, which we welcome and we are pleased to continue accumulating forces.

1.3 - Approach movement towards libertarian language and praxis

For years we are witnessing an approach to the daily practice of social movements to work 
and how to act anarchism. Numerous activist groups and movements that work in an assembly, 
demanding autonomy are federalists operate in networks, who want more (or all) economic 
and political democracy that will take direct action, create cooperatives, etc. They speak 
a language similar to ours, "We bought the speech," but still not necessarily assume our 
goals, libertarian socialism.

All this we can see even in their own hegemonic discourse, which now acts discrediting the 
movement assembly because they have been placed among the country's most respected social 
organizations. An example of this might be the Platform Affected by Mortgage.

Somehow we have just understood this need for social organizations have a libertarian 
praxis. We're not giving out the aspirations of society and we risk losing the train of 
social change. This is what we intend to change.

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