Congrats to all our winners and enjoy your weekend!
- A Gem of a Challenge - 2W - Winners : Pamela Top 3 : Dreja, shellshearer, Gail L (week 2)
- Allsorts - W - Winners: ionabunny Top 5: JC. Karasiowa, Lynda C, Coops. Vivi Casale
- Artist Trading Post Exchange - M - (winner posted in second half of the month) Winner: Shilpa, Suman, Kris
- ATW Exchange W (winners tab on the top) no winners posted in July
- CAS(E) this Sketch! - W - Winner: Rema T Favorites: Stamped Goods, Mandy LaCroix, Cat C, Geri G Honorable Mentions: Sweet Kobylkin, Lisa A, Maria Rodriguez, Daria B
- Catch The Bug - W - Winners: Crazy Cat Lady Craft, Alison B, Elena F
- Challenge Up Your Life - 2W - Winner: malinowo Top 3: Cori, Lisa, Anne 581 (week 1)
- Crafting with Dragonflies - 2W (Winners posted week after new challenge) – Top 3: Shery, honeybeelane, Karen, Karen H
- Crafty Calendar - M – July - Winner : Jane Savage Top 3 : Ellibelle, Lynda C, Linda Simpson
- Crafty Catz - W – Top 3 : Janja, Billie A, Lucy Patrick Winner: Jacki D
- Crafty Friends Challenge 2W - Winners: Erika Paws, Kali Top 3: Kerry Lewis, Aurora, Jane Savage (week 2)
- Crafty Hazelnut's - W - Winners : Helen, Lilian B, ionabunny, Tineke
- Di's Digi Designs - 2W - Digi use winner: Coldwaters2 Top 3: Red Obsession Cards, Suze, Lillian's Leisure Prize winner: Wendy Russell, Amy Cohen (week 2)
- DoubleClick Skittles Challenge - 2W (Winners M 4th Saturday of the month) - Winner: Sherrie
- Inkspirational - 2W - Winner : Asha, Seema, Stempelomis
- Kit and Clowder - M- (First Saturday of the Month) - must sign in to see the winners
- Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps - W - Winner : o TBA
- Less Is More - W - ShowCASe : Hannelie, Kimberly, Heather
- Little Claire's - M - (winners posted mid-month) July - Winner : Samantha Wade
- My Sheri Crafts - 2W - Challenge GDT Winner : Elena F Ooo-La-La Winners : Tina Goodwin, Katie Tate, Christi C (week 1)
- Open-minded Crafting - 2W - Winner : - DT Favourites : on break till next year
- Paper Creator's Crafts - M - July - Winner : Meg
- Penny Black Saturday - M - July - Winners: Lorraine A
- Retro Sketches - W - Rockstar : Stempelfrida, Inge Shout Outs : no names by the images, check blog - posting winners randomly
- SanDee & Ameilie's Steampunk - M - Prize Winner : - Top 3 : current challenge runs for 2 months
- Scrapper's Delights M, (First Saturday of Month) July Winner: (jennifer-g) Top 3: Lis-M, NanaConnie, J Atterbury Creations
- Scrapping Everyday Miracles - M - July Winners : Karla Top 3: Kim, Princess, Karla
- Send a Smile 4 Kids - 2W, winners posted week after new challenge - Winners : Teresa, Dawn, Jenny Top 3 : KellyRae, Donna W, April (week 2)
- Shopping Our Stash - W - Top 3 : Stef, Marina, Bobbi
- ShowCASe Your Style - 2W - Random Winner: - ; Style Queen: - ; Style Favorites: on break till September
- Sketch Saturday - W - Winner : Veronique Top 3 : Heather, Heather M, Marieke
- Speedy & Friends - W - Winner : Carol L
- Tilda's Town - W - Random Winner : Merlina Top 5 : Sai, Jules, Tiziana, Liz, Donna Lee
- The Paper Players - W - Headliner : Julie, Stephanie, rbright, Carolina, Papercraft Boutique, Kate, Mac Mable, Justin, Ashwini, Jan A Cut Above : Annie
- The Pencil Blog 2W First winners September 12, 2015