Our Wedding Parties

Most people when they get married have a few parties before the big one, but Vin and I, we are totally different. After talking to our families, we have all decided that those few parties wouldn't be enough for us at all. We want more celebrations of us being together. We finally have it all mapped out below. I hope you enjoy we what we have planned and maybe it will inspire you!

Engagement party - We have been engaged for a year now, so why have a party? Well my family wants us to really celebrate the coming together of two families, and since it's just going to be family we will discuss what the wedding will entitle, and the other parties. This is really just time for our families to mingle and talk. This isn't for friends. I'm pretty sure that not all of our wedding party attendees will be there, and that's okay. There will be plenty more parties that they will be attending. The engagement party will be taking place in November at my dad's property.

Wedding shower - This is the one that my grandma said that Vin can attend with me. She wants to have more household item gifts at this one. She said that more people need to broaden the mind of what what a wholesome homemaking items there are in this world. I, personally, would love some more vintage items. Those are the things I really love the most.

Bridal - Grandma said this was really just gifts for the bride so she could be a better wife. I know on some of my registries I will be asking for cookbooks. I know you can find almost any recipe online these days but sometimes it's fun to flag a page to come back to the exact one over and over.

Lingerie/Passion Party - My stepmom came up with this about two years ago for me. She said lingerie can only go so far and then you have to spice things up even more. This party I am mostly just intrigued about how it will turn out. But I am excited for it as well.I can always learn something new.

Bridal Party Tea - This one is my idea. I want to have a true tea party with my girls that will be a part of my special day. I think after we have tea we may go to a spa.  This I just want to be a little fancy and whole lot of fun. The little girl inside of me is dying for a real tea party!

Bridal Party Trip - Guess where the bridesmaids and the groomsmen will be going with the bride and groom? You guessed it! Disney World! Instead of something simple, we wanted something more us. Plus, let loose and talk about the wedding too. 

Bachelor - Vin hasn't decided exactly how he wants his Bachelor party to be, yet. He wants some of the wildness, but not too much. He does want a theme bachelor party. He does enjoy themed parties more than just regular old parties.

Bachelorette - My girls have my back! We already have the theme to my party - PIRATES! This is going to be an interesting night for sure for me and my girls! I want to have a true fun and happy night of just partying it up! Enjoying life.

Rehearsal - The last party will definitely be fun. I do not want it to be boring. I want everyone to remember this night, and remember we are a family coming together as one. It will be a night that I hope I will remember.

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