I was tempted to add "Ride the Hogwarts Express" lol |
Kicking the bucket, originally a term referring to act of using a beam used to slaughter a pig (which would often kick), now is used as a device to narrow down 'must-do' items. Obviously the goal is to do them before one dies... but how would one do them otherwise? ANYWAY...
As I get older I find that this list changes a little. I discover more things about the world and about myself that lead me to desire new things - things I never knew existed or that I wouldn't previously believe to be that enjoyable for me.
I'm 33 years old. It's August 19, 2015. Here are 20 items from my current list:
20. Work in Foreign Service as a Diplomat for +United Nations or +U.S. Department of State
19. Support new LGBT Pride Parades across the globe
18. Create a nest-egg
17. Skydiving, bungee-jumping, hang-gliding, etc.
16. Open my own gym/get Personal Training certified
15. Find my true calling
14. Gain a deeper understanding of my family history
13. Work in the medical field as a nurse
12. Get my pilot's license
11. Climb extreme heights
10. Create a music video
9. Be a part of an acting or artist collaborative group/troupe
8. Read the 1000 best books of all-time.
7. Have kids, raise these kids, and be on good terms with said kids into adulthood.
6. Write an allegorical novel
5. Be able to understand on a basic level (at least): Arabic, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Swahili, Japanese, Punjabi, Tagalog, Javanese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Korean, Bengali, German, Persian, Cantonese, and Thai.
4. Learn to love a sport
3. Be able to speak fluently - Spanish, Albanian, Mandarin, French, and Hindi
2. Meet and work on an LGBT campaign with one of the following: +Macklemore & Ryan Lewis +conoroberst +JennyLewis +benkweller +Madonna +Lady Gaga +Sir Ian McKellen +Angelina Jolie as Goodwill Ambassador
Some previous bucket list items accomplished:
1. Meet the president
2. Volunteer for my country through service (Peace Corps)
3. Fly a plane
4. Save a life
5. Volunteer at a local health clinic
6. Learn another language - Spanish, Albanian, Latin