Massa ( Millet Gallettes)

                                                                                         Receta en español
Massa is a typical dessert in Burkina Faso , it is a simple dessert , a kind of pancake with a unique taste, made ​​from fermented millet flour and sugar to which you can add bananas or cooked rice.

Massa ( Millet Gallettes)

  • 200 grams of millet flour.
  • 150 ml of water .
  • 150 grams of sugar .
  • 2 small ripe bananas.
  • peanut oil.


1-   Put the flour into a bowl and mix with water, knead a little to get a uniform dough and make a ball. Cover the bowl with a cloth and wait 24 hours to let the flour ferment.

2- After 24 hours, I could tell by the smell that it had fermented and found the dough this way:

3- Add the sugar and bananas :

4- Crush the bananas and mix well with your fingers or with a mixer if you want to go faster, I did not need more water, but if the mixture is not like the mixture of a  pancake, we pour a little more water :

The consistency should be like this or a little more liquid :

5- We put peanut oil in a pan and heat it up. With a spoon throw slowly the mass , making forms of tiny pancakes. Fry over low heat on both sides until golden brown .

6- Here you can see what they look like :

Massa ( Millet Gallettes)

Where to buy the ingredients:

Millet can be bought in Madrid at Lavapies neighborhood , there are several shops along the street Miguel Servet with African and Indian products.

peanut oil can be found in the Chinese stores of General Margallo at Tetuan metro. Be careful because there are brands that instead of pure peanut oil sell oil blend .

I bought it at General Margallo 9, Madrid .

My comments to the recipe :

It is a dessert with a different and peculiar flavour , it is tasty but we are not used to this taste, fermented millet has a special flavour that combines perfectly with banana , I would say that enhances its flavour , giving the slight feeling that this dessert has some banana liqueur ... it is the effect of fermentation.

Burkina Faso

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